I noticed that Coastaltech was selling a "Ultimate Ipod" kit that looks like a great product but its out of stock! It seems to be better than any of the other ipod integration kits out there like Dice because its so cheap and even allows you to watch movies from your ipod . Was anyone lucky enough to purchase one of these units before they sold out and if so , how well does it work? Im surprised I haven't heard anyone talk about this wonderful unit in this forum because it looks like the best and most economical Ipod kit for the Prius I've seen. If anyone has one for sale, I'd love to buy it from you!!! ULTIMATE IPOD:lock1:
This isn't a Coastaletech product, but works with their Ultimate Lockpick. This interface is made by Valor and may be available elsewhere. See iLink multimedia interface for iPod debuts | iLounge News for more information. Remember, you need Coastal's Ultimate Lockpick too in order to use this....
I hope they get more in. Here is a way I can watch movies while I drive. (joke) It's like having a drive-in movie theatre in your car. Crying shame it can ONLY cope with 9999 songs. It has to be 10,000 songs or nothing.