Last night I was watching Mythbusters (LOVE THAT SHOW) and I saw in their parking lot that there was a seaside pearl prius!!! So that got me thinking about other TV shows that have a Prius in them I know that Charlie in Numbers drives one and on CSI someone has one ....that is all I can think of off the top of my head does anyone have any other ones? And kind of on topic it interesting that CSI using a prius but on CSI Miami they all drive Hummers!!!!!!!!!!!
The most recent season of "Weeds" had Mary Louise Parker in a Spectra Blue Mica Prius. There were so many good lines from that series! (It was so prominently shown that I believe Toyota paid for product placement.) Gangsta: "Why are we stopping to fill up? I thought these things got great mileage?" MLP: "I haven't filled up in two weeks." Gangsta: "Man! Two weeks is pre-tty good!" Another gangsta: "I just picked seven of these (black Priis) for me and the boys. They're great for drive-bys... you can sneak right up on 'em. Bam-Bam!"
Yea, I love Weeds, also. Is that Prius Spectra Blue Mica? I was trying to figure out if it was that or Seaside Pearl. If I'm not mistaken, she's had that Prius since the beginning of the series. Which makes me wonder, since 08' is the first year for Spectra Blue Mica. Or am I just being too technical.
Gilmore Girls had a Gen2 several years ago. The New Adventures of Christine, the main character drives one.
Not a T.V. show but I just saw 2 movies back to back and one of them had a Prius in a street scene, it was either "The Incredible Hulk with Ed Norton" or "The Happening". I can't remember, but it was either a street scene with the Hulk tearing down the streets destroying things in his path, or a scene in "The Happening" when people were shooting themselves in the street and falling down.
Reaper tv show. Devil owns his sole but gets him a Prius to drive around to do his dirty work. Filmed in Vancouver, BC Reaper -
Last episode of Six Feet Under...Claire drives off at the end in a Prius (which replaced that hideous lime green hearse that she wrecked).
"The most recent season of "Weeds" had Mary Louise Parker in a Spectra Blue Mica Prius." No, it's a Seaside Pearl, just like mine, but her's is a pkg.6. The car was the star of this week's episode, having more screen time than any of the characters. I had to wince when the drug dealer broke out her tail light with a pipe I also doubt it could have been so rapidly repaired in a sleazy Mexican garage. Does anyone know where I can get the dashboard Jesus spycam?
My wife saw one this week in an episode of Brothers and Sisters, parked in someones drive on the show (don't ask me who, I don't watch it, but we rewound the show and it was a Prius that she had seen)
Last week on the news...when Tatum O'Neal came out of the court house or Jail (can't remember which) she was picked up by someone driving a Silver Pine Mica Prius.
In last season's Nip/Tuck Dr. Christian Troy drives a Prius. Great "sleazy" show and one of my guilty pleasures.
Main character on Numbers drives one. CSI Miami had one for a while to balance out all those Hummers, not sure if they still have it... one of the producers probably absconded with it to save some money on gas!