Hello all, I have a scangauge on my 2007 Prius. I have had it almost a year (the scangauge) but have just started using it again in earnest. I hve it set up correctly, I believe, 1.5 l engine, Hybrid mode etc. The problem is that the MPG readout on the scangauge is about half what the actual MPG on the MFD is. For examp, if I'm going at 50 MPG on MFD, the scanguage says 25 (or a little less). Not a big deal, but it bugs me - any ideas??? Thanks in advance! Daniel
That happened to me when I forgot to hit the "FILLUP DONE" button after buying gas. You may also have to adjust the actual gas used vs. what the SG shows at "FILLUP". (Use left or right arrrows to adjust SG to match pump reading) If you put 8.1 gals in and the SG says 7.6, adjust it, etc. It helped mine to correct the "off" readings. Otherwise, I don't know. One more thing: If you did a partial fill, say 3 or 4 gallons, and hit "FILLUP DONE" it may also through off the SG readings.
I suggest the big gun. Use the reset to factory default option. Unless you have a lot of configuration setup invested, this may be easier than poking around trying to find the problem. As a Scangauge II owner and operator for about six hours, I should probably not offer advice, but I will anyway. Most likely you fouled up in fuel tank refill quantity entry. It is important to use the feature only when the degree of fullness for the newly filled tank closely matches the degree of fullness at the previous tank fill (also entered in the unit). For comparison, my brand new Scangauge II for which I have not yet done any calibration at all (have not yet hit the tank refilled entry) matches the onboard computer's instantaneous mpg readout almost exactly. The Prius is a 2006 option level 4 machine.
Thanks everybody - I also agree, factory default reset was the preferable option - and that did it! Probably now only 1-2% discrepancy from MFD, which is well within tolerance especially since I can't see them both at the same time THanks again! Daniel