How many PC members are going to Hybridfest 08 next month?? I just signed up and will be going, I am very excited, I'm going all by myself and will have the time to look at everything without an 11yr old moaning about being bored and wanting to know when we are leaving.. A little vacation for me Whoo Hoo!!!!! So who else is going???
Thinking about going very seriously, but waiting to see if my son has a baseball game. I'm one of the coaches. I'd also like to confirm that Hymotion will be at the event. This would almost seal the deal for me to make the trip.
we're missing out this year we had so much fun last year, it's a real shame we won't be able to make it.
I'm going - also alone. It's in Madison WI. Check out this link: Hybridfest, a hybrid electric car show and more! Can't Wait!
It's an annual hybrid festival held in Madison, Wisconsin. This year it will be held the weekend of July 18, 19 & 20, 2008. You can browse some of the previous threads about it: PriusChat Forums - Search Results It's a bit of a haul from the East Coast, but I'm still thinking about going.
Yeah, I'm in Boston and would love to go, but the distance is a haul like ^ said. It's definitely a 20 hr straight drive, or some sort of longer drive with breaks. And I'd be going solo, too. Hmph!
From the various Hybridfest 08 threads and references I've seen, I count the following members so far who have said that they're attending: geeky teacher TheForce judymcfarland ericbecky (he's the organizer of it) freshmtt efusco Neicy okiebutnotfrommuskogee TonyPSchaefer Doc Willie Prius Prime syyykko I want my PHEV Rotorhead ZC1 (I think) Then there are a bunch of mebbes like me.
You are right BOO, I am going, probably by my self unless my neighbor decides to come along. See youall there.
As far as I know I'm in, too. . You can read some more discussions on this at CleanMPG where we're noodling what to talk about, where to camp, what else to do, etc. . Think of it as "Sturgis for hybrid owners". The iron-butt run is worth it! . _H*
Hopefully hybrid fest will grow and come out to western part of the country. Madison WI is a tad far for my taste sorry! Well actually doesnt matter with 60 hour work week, no time for it=[..i could fit it in though if i flew maybe...if i could just get 2 days off
It would be great if all those going would put their PriusChat "handles" on their Hybridfest name tags as well as their names. Then we'd be able to match you up with your comments here. As to moving Hybridfest - VERY unlikely since it is completely organized & run by volunteers from Midwest. Besides, who else has fried cheese?
I'll be going with the whole family. Haven't missed one yet. And if you have kids don't forget that Hybridfest is on the grounds of the Dane County Fair, plenty for everyone. Wayne
I'll be there. Since hubby doesn't have his Prius yet he hasn't become addicted so will likely stay home.
Yes, I did this when I signed up, my name tag is going to have both on there. That's right, fried cheese is awesome!!
Working on it as we speak. Feel free to link me up with anyone you know who may be able to help support the event. Judy, There will be a Hybridfest out west. I have officially quit my real job and now devote myself full time to the Hybridfest events. It doesn't pay much money (I have a family of 5 to support) but the other rewards, like bringing together the hybrid car community, are worth it.
As listed above, I am going. I am planning to camp out in the upper peninsula for a couple days afterward. Anyone interested? PM me.