OK: This is the first time in my life, that I feel different about my car, I've never driven a HYBRID before, like everyone else I've only driven gasoline only powered cars... I'm like a kid with a brand new toy with my new PRIUS.
Welcome to PriusChat, ski.dive! I'm like you, before my Prius a car was just a car. The amazing thing is that the more you know how your Prius works, the more amazing it becomes. Have fun, read lots here on PC, learn lots, and enjoy!
Well, I had a '69 Mustang that I adored but nothing since that has ever come close to how I feel about my Pri. I can honestly say that I have the car I want.
When you have driven all your friends crazy talking about your car, you can always come home to PriusChat, your friendly support group.
I feel the same way as you do... my very first car was an 89 Toyota Tercel and I loved that car dearly,, but not as much as I do my new Prius. I have to say that I started out with a Toyota and will end with a Toyota. I'll probably be driving a Toyota Hybrid now for the next 25 or more years. I'm very excited to see how the new technology will change over the years. I came back to Toyota after having Saturns for 8 years, and I will remain a loyal Toyota customer. I just LOVE my Prius!!! Welcome to PC :welcome:
Well, I guess that makes me like the little kid waiting for Santa to bring her new toy then. Although it's almost Christmas Eve....supposed to be any day now.
I have only had my Prius since April 8th. A very short time by any standard. At the same time I feel like an old hand at this. :juggle: Reading your post reminds me of watching my kids on Christmas morning. I relived those days when I was a kid. Reading posts like this reminds me of my first couple of weeks with my new car. Welcome, and thanks for the memories. Enjoy your new car or toy or whatever. Bob
:welcome: and congrats!!! I still remember the day I got mine. I shared the same emotions as you did.. like a kid waiting for Christmas Day.
I'm with ya! I love my Prius. I drive about 90 miles a day roundtrip, and every time I get out of it at the end of the day, I can't wait to get back in it and drive some more. It really is such a fun car to drive. Enjoy!
Hi Ski, Welcome to the world of Pri-dom. I am a fairly new owner (early May) and I enjoy every minute in my vehicle. I have learned a lot from these forums and I look forward to making some mods. It is fun to see other folks' excitement here. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that it is "still a car". Hope to be hearing more from you soon.
I SO know what you mean! Also, I share the sentiments of others saying before our Prii we just owned cars. I didn't know what wax was, how to remove interior trim to hide a sirius antenna, or care so much about every little inch of my new auto baby. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy for all the times they drive by and see me out there AGAIN, in my driveway, doors open, and something new happening w/ my Prii. I bought mine on April 20 then searched Google for 'hack my Prius'. PC was a search result and the rest is bliss, adorement, and history! I even park in view from my office window just to gaze and dream at my new lifestyle. That's right. A Prius is not a car, it's a lifestyle!
The only other car I ever loved was our '66 Mustang. I loved driving the pony car, even before I got a driver's license. It really is strange what strong feelings the Prius evokes in you, isn't it? Why is it that some of us feel so enamored while others see it as "just a car...what's the big deal?"