Now this is a cool watch to have if your Prius has the Smart Key option. It's an accessory of Estima (new). I wonder if it works with our Prius. Some key points from the text: - powered by light (no battery) - made by Citizen - About $400 in Japan.
If it's like the one at I think it will. There is a potential problem IIRC that's minor. The watch is solar powered, but the Smart Key part is still battery powered. There's a possibility that the battery could die and you wouldn't be able open the door or power up. That is minor if you change the battery on a regular basis. Personally I feel that $400 is a little steep to get an analog watch that gives no date and will do exactly what I can do with the fob I already got with the car. That being said, if it was $100 I'd get it.
Nobody has brought this to the USA yet, hard to say if the frequencies are the same and whatnot. Nate
I checked on this watch back in December, it's not compatable with the Prius (at least that's what I was told
I'd second that... I wonder if we could setup a site to petition Toyota to release this or resell it to the US? The James Bond style wow-factor here is huge (thinking of saying "wonder what time it is... ah, it's time to go for a spin!" and unlock the car using the buttons visibly). Right now, people know I have a key (fun demo is to give THEM the key while I drive... really hits home the usefulness of SKS)... but if they never even see it
All: If someone located in Japan could make an inquery to Toyota about its compatibility with Prius, it would be great. We could do a group buy if it is compatible with a Prius. Remember that this is a new accessory of Estima that was just annouced. About the battery, according to the translation... "but even with when the electric battery is cut off, when you bring close to the engine start button, it is designed in such a way that the electric power which is necessary for certification with induction is supplied." In other words, even if the battery is out, the watch is still capable of certifying with the car to enable starting the vehicle. It is a nice touch.
Could Toyota devise smart key contact lenses, so by blinking we can lock and unlock doors? It may even beat Honda's Insight for MPG (pun intended). ^_^
I, too, would be very interested in this if we are able to do a group buy. In the event that we find somebody to enquire about the details and compatibility, I would also like to know if there is a smaller and/or "women's" version.
I suspect the arm on your dominant side weighs more than the other one. Wear a watch on your non-dominant wrist and you should achieve the balance you are looking for.