Hello, I was wondering if anyone else has noticed the seat fabric on their Prius stretching? My wife and I just went on vacation and we decided we would take the Prius. It was about an 1,100 mile trip to our destination. While on vacation I noticed the fabric on my seat seems to be stretching. It is noticeable by the stitching that runs across the middle of the seat. There is probably close to 3/4 of an inch of slack. For all you ladies out there (LOL) I am a 5',11'', 178 pound man. I would not consider myself overweight so I don't think that is the problem. I also do not slouch when I drive. My back seats are fine, since hardly anyone sits there, it's just the front two seats. I have about 9K on my 2004 Prius. We have been back from vacation now for about a month and the seats are still the same way. Has anyone else experienced this problem besides me? I can take pictures if anyone would like to see. Thanks, 8) Ryan
I have not seen any problems with the ones that I work on. Or at least no one has said anything about it,but I'm sure they would. The fabric seems to hold up well on all the Prius' , both 1st gen and 2nd gen. With 9k on a 04 model it should still be under warranty,I would think. Check with your dealer.
I haven't had any problems with our Prius seats and both of us are fairly big LOL, actually very big. We went to Florida and back, put on 2,700 mi. and all ok with seats
Here is a picture of my stretched driver side seat. This isn't a very good picture but hopefully you can see that it is stretched in the middle of the seat. Regards, Bit
You're referring to the extra piece that sorta folds out making it seem like the fabric stretched right? I've experienced the same thing but noticed it will go away...
That's the spot. Yep, that would be the area. Toyota must of thought it was worse than what they suspected, The car is in the shop to get repaired and I'm driving around in a convertible PT Cruiser. Too bad we are suppose to have 6 inches of snow by tomorrow morning