So I agree to let the wife take my Prius 3 times a week to school because its a 90 mile round trip while my job is about a 45 mile round trip. No problems the first month other then her leaving a bit of trash and scattering text books all over my back seat. Now in the last month she scraped a rim its not that bad and hardly noticeable but its annoying. Then somehow she managed to scrape the paint off the edge of the drivers door like she swung the door into something again its more of an annoyance and is barely noticeable unless you are like me and wash your car by hand every weekend. Even worse this past week she decides to not pay attention and taps the pickup truck in front of her waiting to make a left hand turn. Of course she claims he rolled backward but I still say it doesn't matter if he did or not she was too close. Total damage this time is $280 to the guys old pickup (bumper needs repainted I guess.) I look at my Prius and other then the License plate bracket being all mangled up it was barely noticeable except one thing the little teeth in the upper part of the grille broke. Total damage for my front end $711 (glad I have the $100 deductible). Thinking it might be time to trade the wife in for a new model. LOL
Just explain to her that your next wife won't have these problems because she already owns her own Prius.
Sounds like she's impatient? If so, I'm sorry to say there is no solution, other than new wife, or give her a different car, or stop looking at your dissolving Prius. ZC1
LOL! You've got a point there! J/K! This past weekend both my boyfriend and I put down a deposit for our own Pruis... and yes it just might be a little too much for the neighbors when we eventually park them side by side upfront. But that's another story. So we've been speculating and trying to guess which one of us will get their car first. He mentioned the other day that since he has a long commute to school several days a week, I should let him use my car if it gets here first. I told him he would need to commit to no eating and drinking of any sort, as well as sanitizing his hands and taking his shoes off upon entering if I was to even consider letting him borrow it... I don't believe I've ever seen him so agreeable about anything!! I am, however, a lot more picky about the color and package so I am still secretly hoping he'll get his Prius first so I won't have to share
I'm wondering why the damage estimate for your car is so high. Does the front bumper cover have to be removed and repainted? If you are talking about the black plastic grille being damaged, those parts are pretty inexpensive: $47 MSRP for the center portion, $18 MSRP each for the two side pieces. DiscountToyotaParts It is possible to repaint the wheel that was damaged, BTW. I assume that the damage goes beyond the plastic trim piece, into the aluminum wheel itself.
Its the teeth behind the chrome part of the upper grille. I am at work and don't have my estimate handy on how they broke down the price of paint and labor but I do rememeber these items. They are replacing the entire front bumper cover $199 chrome grille piece is $80 license plate frame $40 I'll scan it tonight and pictures if I can remember.
I know how she feels, sort of: last time I borrowed her car I hit a deer at 65 MPH, $3.5k damage. After that I'd rather call for a cab than borrow it again
Re-read the post: I look at my Prius and other then the License plate bracket being all mangled up it was barely noticeable except one thing the little teeth in the upper part of the grille broke. Total damage for my front end $711 (glad I have the $100 deductible). Thinking it might be time to trade the wife in for a new model. LOL
I guess my problem is nowhere as severe. My wife just kills my mileage. She's all accelerator and brake. We took a 250 mile trip last weekend. I drove first, after filling up, and was averaging 52 mpg on the interstate. She takes over after 120 miles, and promptly brings it down to 44 mpg by the time we get there. Naturally, I look for excuses to not let her drive it, but it drives me crazy to sit beside her when she does. And yes, I've tried educating her to the proper ways to get better mileage. Her response is I drive like a grandpa.
This means that your wife was achieving ~38 mpg for her leg of the trip. If this bugs you, I guess you'll have to step up to driving the entire distance.
There's something about my Prius that just brings out the 'particular' side of me. I wash & care for it like it was my first-born. My kids know better than to eat or drink in it. And, I'm sorry, but if my wife brought my Prius home with that kind of damage going on... I'm afraid we'd have to visit ye ole chopping block. :rip:
here's the pictures Again like I said its barely noticeable unfortunately the teeth behind the upper grill snapped. As for the scratch on the front bumper I could buff it out but there is one paint chip with it.