Does anyone know if it is possible to adjust the tension on the accelerator peddle on the 04? My ankle cramps up if I drive for too long without the cruise control on. I'd like to increase the tension so that my foot can rest while going at cruising speed. BTW, it seemed inappropriate to call it a gas peddle :!:
I second that! If anyone knows a solution to this, my quivering cramping feet and toes will thank you!
You could shorten or lengthen the pedal return spring to suit your needs. It will probably be located above the gas pedal under the dash.
Ok. I'm going to revive this thread. Has anyone actually successfully done this? I just got back from a 1000 mile 4 day trip in a rental prius. At the end of my trip, my back and leg were bothering me, because I couldn't find a position that I can rest my leg on the accelerator without having to actively hold it up to keep from depressing the accelerator more than I want to. In my accord, I can just rest my foot on the accelerator and control it pretty easily with just a little movement of my ankle.
Assuming that the accel pedal assembly is mechanically very similar to the previous NHW11, with just a different sensor box. You would have to separate all the mechanicals, and find similar springs that don't fight so hard. There is one in each direction and the one that unloads the pedal is the stronger. I recall it is just e-clips holding the thing together. The only problem is that if you can't reassemble it, Toyota wants quite a lot for the replacement part.
I do a lot of driving in hilly terrain where the cruise control isn't quite as good. I also ended up with lots of tension in my leg from holding my leg up. Is this something that Toyota could modify for me or that I could get done at a shop?