What it is: A Brake Control sensor Where is it located?: Attached to left side rear axle and to the left side undercarriage. ZC1
Is that the HID level sensor attached to the left rear axel? This is attached to the axel, the arm goes forward and slides/pivots on the underbody, I think.
Where: Above rear axle, the part is mounted to the body while a sensor arm is mounted to the rear axle Its purpose: This is a "height control sensor subassembly rear", and its purpose is to help HID headlights remain properly aimed as load is added to (or removed from) the rear hatch. <Evan's photo was great - who would expect such a small part would look so big in the picture.>
Bill was the first to get it right. I picked that part b/c it's one that a DIYer can fix him/herself should the need arise. See this article with pictures for more info.... Bill, TAG, you're it. Post a pic.
Thanks, but that's not my car, that's a photo from the linked site...and about 3 years old! BTW those of you who were stumped....I'm disappointed you didn't pick up on my "Shed some light" clue in my second post!!!
i've been trying to think of it all day long... not sure... at first i was thinking rear wiper.. but that's wrong... so far i'm thinking it's the parking brake arm :whip: *fixed the typo since i can't spell brake correctly*
No. Here's a little clue: if you could straighten it out, it would be about 5" (127mm) long, but this part isn't flexible.
i assume it's part of an arm... because it looks like it may swivel by that attached clip.. or something.. steering column adjustment? I can't think of any strips of metal... or hard plastic... that look like that.. except the strange ones in the air intake.. but they are all bigger pieces.
Darn it Bill.. I should be eating lunch, not like I am, crammed into some small spot in my Prius upside down with a flashlight in my teeth.. It's all your fault.. ZC1