Without reading the article I'm going to say that plant will be idled more than 9 weeks. Ford (& GM) first need to design something people want to buy then retool truck factories to produce it. With so much over-capacity some plants will have to close.
so , according to the article, the workers get 95% pay when the plant is shut. pewd's wondering how this is supposed to save ford money
it also says "The company already has said it will cut its salaried work force costs by 15 percent by Aug. 1." (all of U.S. ?) too bad they don't just make a decent product at a good price point then this wouldn't be happening
You have to chuckle at those TV commercials car companies are still running on big SUVs. Gas prices have been rising too fast for them. The good part is we don't need gas guzzlers. The bad part is we don't need auto workers to lose jobs.
I laugh at those commercials every time. Do they not GET it? But, alas, someone must still be buying them because they are still producing.