This is more of an accessory than a modification, but I really like them. I found a set of blue anodized valve stem caps for right around $1.99 at AutoZone. I believe they have other colors too, such as red, silver and black. I purchased a set to match my Spectra Blue, and I think they look pretty slick (see pic). Anybody else found a 'mini-mod' like this that is relatively inexpensive and adds something to their Prius?
There are some caps similar to yours, that also contain an o-ring. When tight, it provides a secondary seal in case the Schrader valve leaks a little.
At $1.99 I think you possibly have the cheapest Prius mod ever. I think even a sticker is more expensive, no? I think the same store stocks the lighted caps too. ZC1
I was looking at buying nice valve caps, however, while waiting for my car to be serviced I read on one package that theirs was not to be used on cars with inflation sensors. Did yours mention anything to that effect ?
You know, I really didn't notice anything on the packaging to that end, but it's worth a look before buying a set for sure. Although I have had mine on for about 2 months with no noticeable issues.
Holding out on us Tom?, just tell us where you're getting the argon. I knew you had a tire secret.... ZC1
I have a tank of it in my shop. I use it when I weld bronze or aluminum. I also have a tank of argon/CO2 mix for steel, and a tank of tri-mix argon/CO2/helium for stainless steel. Tom