Westbound on the Long Island Expressway in Manorville, a seaside pearl passed my seaside pearl. You had a license plate that read NO SUVS and I wonder how many Hummer drivers give you an obscene gesture? Next time I see you, I'll give you a friendly wave!
Folks, Do you really want your local Missed Connections to find and read your posts? If you were the Missed Connection, would you want to read every post to find out its not in your area? I think not. I don't make the rules, but here's one that helps make an easier connection between both you and your missed connection. At the top of the post, enter in bold the first three items, then the rest in this order: Your State Your City Relevant Area Date Time Then add your message. Here's my example: Michigan Troy Oakland Plaza June 11, 2008 7:30pm Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah ZC1
Florida New Port Richey SR 54 and Rowan Rd. June 17, 2008 around 3pm I was traveling eastbound on SR 54 when I saw 2 magnetic grey, 1 black, and 1 silver pine meca all on a truck heading for a dealership. Since I am on a waitlist, I seriously started thinking I should follow this truck.
Thanks ZC1. I updated the opening post with these instructions - but made the date and time bold too. .
Well, I'll reverse it I'm in a black '05 with very dark tint, removed badges and just an apple logo sticker where the Toyota emblem used to be. I live in Lafayette, IN and travel around West Lafayette, Indianapolis I-65, 465, to Fort Wayne using IN-25 and IN-24 quite a bit. If you see me, WAVE!
KENTUCKY LAWRENCEBURG HWY 127/151 6/18/08 8:20am I was northbound on 127. You were at the 151 light in a super white Prii. I flashed a smile and backwards peace sign as I zoomed by. Good looking car!
6/19 Tri State Tollway NB at 137 at about 4:15 Gorgeous Spectra Blue Prius You were in the middle lane and I was in the the RH land in my silver 05.
MICHIGAN Sat, June 14 about 10 PM I-696 at Woodward, in traffic jam Super White Prius I was the super white that waved. I finally got into the moving lane! Your car looks great, just like mine. My son was in front of me in his grey Escape Hybrid and I think you got in behind me. We had a hybrid convoy! Super white rules!
CALIFORNIA La HABRA (Orange County) Several times now in the past month... There's a twin to my Barcelona Beauty that I have seen multiple times while running errands on the weekend. What good taste you have to chose Barcelona Red!
KENTUCKY between Lawrenceburg/Frankfort Hyw 127/1621 6/25/2008 8:25am I was northbound on 127 in the blue Prii. saw ya at the intersection! .
KENTUCKY Frankfort Hyw 127 6/25/2008 2:30pm We both turned onto 127 (northbound) at the same time. You were in a silver, mine was blue. Sorry I didn't look over and wave. I had a hard exterior (poker face) to maintain. was playing my bass music. Those two go hand in hand. But I saw ya! LOL