I've been thinking about getting a bluetooth speaker to replace my motorola earpiece, and also have been looking at GPS navs like the Garmin nuvi 660. Can anyone recommend a GPS with bluetooth? How well does it work with your cell phone? Easy to accept and place calls?
I just recently bought myself a nuvi 360. Since then, I have started using it ALL the time. I love it to make calls, accept call. Its hooked in to my car speakers and I like the volume level and I like it even more because the music (played from the nuvi) is muted. It displays the incoming call phone number and has the all calls list from the phone. Additional feature is that I stopped carrying my iPod in the car and transferred all that music to a SD card for nuvi.
I have the Garmin 660 and it's a great unit. I bought it on Ebay for under $300. I'm making a small modification by adding a small amplifier to increase the volume of the bluetooth feature.I use it with my Blackberry 8830. I also added an external speaker and microphone. The external microphone (purchased separately from Garmin) works great! The photo shows where I placed it. I ran the wire under the molding so it doesn't show.
i just returned my TOMTOM 920 after it repeatedly lost signal and/or had me on wild directions. I loved the bluetooth but after reading GPSMAGAZINE and other reviews from CNET, I realized it was not up to par with GARMIN's routing engines or maps in general. I wanted the GARMIN 760 but they are out of stock. I purchased a GARMIN 200w to hold me over as it has 90 return policy and the salesperson said when the 760's get in he'll call me. Even this 200w is very accurate and outperforms the more expensive TOMTOM920. Thinner too. Brighter screen. just not all the bells and whistles.
I just bought the Garmin 760 from costco for 350 with shipping included. It's amazing how prices have come down!
hey, im looking to do the same thing with my car with a nuvi 360, but im curious to know how you integrated it into your cars audio system. any info would be much appreciated. thanks!
My 760 shipped today from "TheNavGuys". I've loved my 200w but can't wait for the 760(bt!!!) I'm also wanting to wire into my PRI to hide the power cord and to hear my phone through the car's speakers. Would appreciate any help or hyperlinks!! Tks
I've found the Garmin units to be woefully inadequate with the volume when using Bluetooth. Also, when you run it through the radio using the radio transmitter, you can't listen to the radio as you have to tune to a static station. Instead, I ran a wire from the earphone plug to a mini amplifier and then to a small speaker (2x3") that I placed on the dash. Works great.
Just got the Garmin nuvi 680 from Costco today... haven't driven anywhere with it yet, but I'm very impressed with the Bluetooth features. It's a great little gadget.
Just got a 760 for my wife to use in her Nissan, and would like to do something similar because going through the FM radio doesn't sound so great. What kind of an amp did you get, and where? Thx.