After leaving Nebraska we headed to Wyoming and then to Utah, Nevada and California. I noticed a huge increase in mpg (40 mpg to 55mpg) after going over the Rockies in Wyoming... almost all downhill to California!!
I Agree totally with the credit card thing, but a small balance here and there, if it won't kill your budget, is good for your credit score. I convinced my wife by letting* her go on a several hundred dollar shopping spree with the rewards from my REI card. Now she insists everything goes on the card :clap2: and yes, we pay it off every month. . . . Free money, and more security! *letting = insisting she spend the money, even though it was on MY card. Now we have a joint card, and she no longer uses her debit card - complete with sometimes paying a fee for the privilege to use the stupid thing.
That would make sense except the confusion it creates for other road users. The thing I really hate is when a truck driver puts his 4 way flashers on before they pull to the side of the road then reverse around a corner into a driveway and no one has any idea what they are doing because their indicators don't work. Wouldn't tapping the brake pedal when you see their headlights and putting your lights on work just as well?
I wasn't the only one with flashers on that situation... pretty much everybody else had them too, and it worked.