juicedhybrid electric only option

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by lovebug, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. jammin012

    jammin012 The man behind The Man

    Nov 23, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Symantics John, let it go.
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Semantics nothing...false unsupported claims.
    There is no reasonable reason to think that the EV button could do anything to maintain battery life and every reason to believe it could shorten it if improperly used.
    Note that there is NO information at all suggesting how to best or most efficiently use the mod.
    There's false information suggesting improved FE.
    There's false information suggesting reduced emissions.

    Not semantics, lies intended to help sell product. I have NO objection to selling this product, you'll find no complaints from me anywhere about Coastal selling them, but he knows what his product does and doesn't do and understands what the EV mod's impact is and doesn't make exagerated or false claims....and he can take his own photos of his own product.
  3. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    jh, if you do determine a correct way to invoke EV mode for the
    Camry hybrid, your best gesture to the community would be to
    thoroughly document it for the readership at large and then
    offer to sell convenient kits if they don't want to DIY. But
    if you had any notions of keeping such a thing some sort of
    secret, well, you can guess what the backlash will be.
    For example: here's a new pic as of today, showing exactly
    what's inside the Coastal cruise-control based EV-mode widget
    once you cut the shrink-tubing off it:
  4. JuicedHybrid

    JuicedHybrid Junior Member

    May 14, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    I think there is confusion on EVMODE and battery. Let me try to clarify....What we are trying to say is that by installing the EVMODE we only activate an option that Toyota has designed into the Prius. By accessing the Toyota software (toyota)controls the ECU and kicks in the engine when it is needed to "protect the battery". In other words we do not exclude the Toyota programming and use the native controls to activate the engine when the battery needs to be charged at the proper level. The system will always kick in a 3 bars and temporaily deactive EVMODE. The native programming is fairly conservative to only go to 3 bars. Also as a standard feature in Non-North American Prius this concept has been demonstrated to be correct.
    WE want to make this clear as some people might think we are hacking the whole system and tah could damage the battery. WE ARE NOT....This is not the case and with many installs this has proven to be a very reliable product.
  5. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Nobody thinks that. We all understand what EV mode is and what it does. This is not a new option. Your product is no different than any number of other ways of momentarily grounding pin 14-27. We've been doing this for almost 5 years now.

    The issue is your ad suggests that it "Preserves battery life" and "Improves fuel economy" and "lowers emissions". all of this is completely inaccurate.

    Not to mention the outright theft of a copyrighted photo that you still leave posted and have not addressed.
    Sezy likes this.
  6. JuicedHybrid

    JuicedHybrid Junior Member

    May 14, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    2008 Prius

    I do understand that the questions are related to my site content. And am trying to make some edits to address concerns. I feel very strongly about EVMODE. Great product! Great price! And do know from experience I see better FE as do others who manage the EVMODE.

    Battery - "battery protected" is probably a better way to say it. I will look into changing it today.

    Fuel Economy - As I said. More battery to get the car moving is better FE. Especially when you primarily drive short around town segments. I also added…. "Results will vary based on driving conditions, geography and how aggressive you drive".

    Lower Emissions “while EVMODE is Engaged”– As an example if you drove 10 miles and had EVMODE engaged when you started the trip less gas consumption means less emissions by volume.

    Photo – It really is free to use. I also looked at there site and do not see any I think we got the picture off another site. (Not Coast) It is all over the place.….if you are uncomfortable with this I will find a hand or something for the image.

  7. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Your really need a coarse in basic physics (maybe look at the current thread in Fred's House of Pancakes). I absolutely defy you to show how you could possibly, over the course of a full tank of gas, get better fuel economy by using the EV mode the way you suggest/describe. You simply can't do it. We've been using and researching and fooling around with the EV mode for 4 1/2 years and there is no one that I'm aware of that would make that claim with the exception of shutting down the ICE when approaching stops prior to S4 being established.

    Just b/c you found that photo somewhere else on the internet does NOT make it free to use. You really need to understand and learn something about photo copyright laws if you intend to steal photos from the internet and use them for commercial purposes. It's even questionable for me to post the photo in this thread since Priuschat is a for profit site. At least I give appropriate credit for it's origin.

    If Coastal decides to take you to court over the use of their photo and if it turns out you've copied their EV mode design I think you're going to find yourself in a world of hurt.

    Look... I WANT another option out there for cool and unique products for the Prius and other hybrids...desperately. Coastal's been pretty much the only source up to now and they have very spotty customer service. But at least they're ethical, do their own work and don't make exagerated claims about their products. More importantly they understand what their product really does. If you start venturing into the 'free energy' territory or the 'convert your car to run on water' kind of claims you're going to fail as a business. The majority of people who would be interested in those products are already very savvy about the Prius and those who aren't are going to come here looking for information (like the OP....though it's curious that you managed to find this thread SO quickly after the OP made that first post, almost like you knew someone would be asking).

    Also, I am glad and do appreciate that you're willing to make changes to the comments on your site so quickly...you give me some hope. But please don't stop short. Feel free to link people to my original article or some of the threads here about what the EV mod really does and does not do. You'll find that the majority of people will still buy it and probably be happier about it knowing what to realistically expect.
  8. JuicedHybrid

    JuicedHybrid Junior Member

    May 14, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    No water from wine products and certainly don’t like the “world of hurt”. Ouch!
    I still stand behind the EVMODE improves FE when properly used.
    And BTW we are working on some very COOL products. I will make sure I have you on board as an marketing content advisor. Or I may end up in the "world of hurt"
  9. brad_rules_man

    brad_rules_man Hybrid electric revolutionizer

    Jul 5, 2005
    Other Hybrid
    This thread has been entertaining. I like the idea of some more competition. We are going to see a lot of it with the rising number of sales. JuicedHybrid, I would suggest if you want to go forward with this venture, taking some classes at a local higher education center. I don't mean this as an insult by any means, I have a friend who started a web-based business and quickly found he needed to brush up on things like laws, and anti-piracy policies. Also when you are doing something for a business or profit, you should make sure that every single word you type is exact and use good grammar. (I obviously suck at that.) Because you are representing your business and $ is at stake. From everything I have read in this thread, and all the replies of yours I have read, I would never buy from you. You just come off a little unable to communicate things to people, and that is very important to conduct business. Good luck in your venture though, and come up with some cool stuff!
  10. JuicedHybrid

    JuicedHybrid Junior Member

    May 14, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    2008 Prius
  11. Bob64

    Bob64 Sapphire of the Blue Sky

    Apr 9, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Lol, you are fighting a losing war here mate. We owners know more about the EV mode then you think.

    10 seconds of ev mode means that the engine will have to run for 50 seconds longer to recharge it. (20% efficiency conversion losses to and from the battery). Using the battery in most cases, except right before a LONG downhill, where you "fully" charge the battery WILL reduce your mileage.
  12. brad_rules_man

    brad_rules_man Hybrid electric revolutionizer

    Jul 5, 2005
    Other Hybrid
    Yeah. EV mode has it's uses though. If you can stealth out of a small community for example, like 15mph road until you hit something constituting the ICE, then while it is warming, it can also be providing thrust, and operating at a slightly higher and efficient load. So.. I don't know really. I'm not a physics major, but I think if it's going to run, it might as well run when I am actually using it instead of just idling.
  13. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I used to think that too and used to use EV mode that way. But thanks to many of the Japanese hypermilers and with the advantage of monitoring my CAN-View it became clear that it's much better to let the car start up normally and to keep speed low and acceleration low while the ICE goes through it's warm up cycle and gets into S3 rather than delay warm-up until you have a high power demand...the ICE runs inefficiently and forces heavy battery drain if you start out with heavy demand.
  14. ebsmythe

    ebsmythe Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2007
    Port Perry, Ontario
    2007 Prius
    Here is another claim to EV nirvana, this time from New Zealand. It is on ebay.

    "SAVE SOME REAL GAS AND CASH-ARE YOU SICK OF YOUR PRIUS PETROL MOTOR RUNNING WHEN YOU KNOW ITS NOT NEEDED-FIX THAT FOR GOOD-WITHOUT WRECKING YOUR PRIUS BATTERY BY FITTING A PRIUS LIBERATOR UNIT works in all models 2008-1997worldwide NW20-NW11-NW10 Works AUTOMATICALLY -EASY IDIOTS installation instructions TAKES 10 MINUTES MAX Using only pliers (LEFTHAND DRIVE) and Philips screwdriver (RIGHTHAND DRIVE) Adding this simple unit, ,KEEPS YOUR BATTERY WITHIN ITS TOYOTA DESIGN LIMITS AUTOMATICALLY,(unlike the EV button installed in Japan,for moving cars from one side of the road to the other, which can be misused on a flat battery on some earlier models)IT delays your motor start-up, so it only runs when needed while preserving the motor high temp safety features, although the setting is reduced. Anyone with a cell-phone or portable phone knows the more you charge their batteries without allowing them to nearly discharge the less less capacity from the battery you get over time.THE Same with your PRIUS. My NW11 PRIUS 2000 had settled to a maximum fuel economy of around 18.9km/ltr , 46miles per US gallon(4ltrs)with 107,000Km on the clock doing a repetitive work run of 42km round trip on rolling paved open hilly roads. I got sick of my petrol motor starting and running for ages on start-up or when it was obvious the battery was charged, boiling the radiator water when my car was at crawling speed to the end of the road or car parks or at 50Km/30Mph when it was not needed to start yet, with the battery fully charged, or when going down a hill with my foot off the accelerator. It really hacked me off. SO I DID THIS MOD and got initially 19.6/20.4/21.3 and now steady around 22.4-22.6k/litre after 4 tank fills. Winter gas economy fade is reduced as well THAT’S 18.9to 22.4km a BIG 3.5k/ltr./18.5% FREE MILES 4 me each tank fill YOUR FUEL ECONOMY will rise with each tank re-fill as Increased Battery Capacity and Performance shows, as its cycled further thru its programmed charging range (80% down to 40%) and that will enable it to stay in battery mode longer around town, due to motor kicking in only when demanded. I’m Getting 3km (around 2 miles) on the flat when babying it. As a bonus your PRIUS will become gradually peppier as the battery is able to give a stronger boost as you accelerate before it fades. NW10/11 ECU LEFT-HAND DRIVE(America) BEHIND GLOVE BOX. you only have to release two plastic securing pegs on the left and right to allow removal for easy access. RIGHT HAND DRIVE –remove two Philip screws at bottom of dash ankle height, one on each side under the steering wheel, then pull plastic dash towards you-it is clipped in. ECU is in the same physical spot in both cars.Push the two pins in the back of a plug with a pair of pliers and its done."

    Here is a new argument..that exercise is good for the battery.
    Has anyone else seen this ad on ebay?
  15. GatorJZ

    GatorJZ Member

    May 25, 2008
    Other Hybrid

    While your concerns are valid, I do give him some credit for responding to the issues raised and apparently trying to rectify some of the concerns.
  16. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    The last thing we need is more of these numbnuts polluting up
    the Prius aftermarket with their illiterate spew. At least they
    should learn to WRITE before they try and pass themselves off
    as a worthwhile business.
  17. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    But Hobbit...HIS EV mode will save you gas...you can get rid of your EV mod and trade up to his!! LOL!
  18. JHSmith

    JHSmith 2020 Avalon Hybrid Owner

    Sep 30, 2006
    King George, VA
    Other Hybrid
    Apologies & Reply Re: juicedhybrid electric only option

    Please let me offer an explanation for my recent set of posts concerning the unit that has been discussed.

    I truly was interested in wanting juicedhybrid's system since it was offered as being to access an item that was in "all Toyota hybrids".
    Right after I purchased my TCH (Camry Hybrid), I stumbled upon this forum set and subsequently ehard about the EV button and what it does. I was naturally hesitant about jumpering a pin on my car's ECU to ground since all discussion had covered Prii and I had ththe TCH. It took almost a year until I could a definitive answer that TCH did not have the EV mode program (as opposed to non-US Prius'). Therefore simply putting in a momentary contact switch would not put the car into EV mode.
    I knew that Coastal's was essentially a circuit that produced a momentary grounding on an ECU pin. Reading the original write-up on juicedhybrid's site, I figured he had either found an unreported subroutine in the ECU of other cars or that he developed a circuit that would force the car to go into EV mode. That was the reason I phrased the statement the way I did.


    I do not have advanced information on how to force the EV mode on TCH (or Highlander). If I did actually know how to make this type of mod, please be assured that I would be posting it (here and on the GreenHybrid site).

    As an apology, I did not originally intend to make my past few posts show up so negatively. As I said, my original intent was to actually purchase to system if it operated as stated. And, if juicedhybrid does figure out how to make an EV mod for the TCH, I'll most likely still purchase it.
  19. JuicedHybrid

    JuicedHybrid Junior Member

    May 14, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    You folks have the P.h.D. in EVMODE and I have been humbled.
  20. Cheap!

    Cheap! New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
    Don't forget you can do the EV mod with a 20 cent push button, or if you are realy cheap you could just touch the end of the wire to a ground in your car.

    EV buttons do come in handy like when your driving inside through a crowded convention center past people sitting down all eating lunch. It can be fun to pass them all silently. They stare at you as they chew their food. I had my windows down and it was all I could do to not tell my son in the back seat. "Look, Cows!" :eek: