Pep boys! $15...not too bad. I love it...and I laugh everytime I get in the car. Couldn't ask for more... I have to say...when I first bought my '08 (back in september) I couldn't figure out how to get this Damn thing off...but now that I did...I was so tempted to do the grenade...or something horrible that lights up...but for all of you that don't know... IT JUST SCREWS OFF! Lefty loosey righty tighty! Stoked.
what's the weight of the knob? We had a discussion going on a little while back and the one issue that kept me from following through was that the weight of the knob would cause the shfter to drop into B-mode.
does any old shifter knob screw on there? I've given about 50% effort to unscrewing mine in the past and it didn't budge...I was afraid of breaking something if I turned harder. How much strength did it take?
Evan, Give it a good left turn twist. It's a one piece, pretty solid unit and it is simply screwed on but with liquid threadlock, so you don't accidently unscrew it. You have to break the threadlock, which is probably just a bit harder than you've been trying. I'm still looking for a nice replacement for the knob. ZC1
"Mod of the week!" I would like to thank everybody.... The knob I bought is pretty heavy, I would say at least 3 times as heavy as the original knob, but it doesn't feel like it is going to "fall" into B . I banged it with my knee once, I'm 6'5'' ,and it went into B at about 45 MPH, but you can feel when you are driving in B, so I put it back into Drive. Not a big deal. The screw did have locktight on it, so you might need to twist a little harder. As I said before, lefty loosy righty tighty. If you are facing the knob, turn it counter clockwise. Then go to your nearest pepboys, or the mooneyes shop Mooneyes Online Shop - MOON EQUIPPED - Go! with MOON! and get yourself a kick nice person shifter!
I found one at Amazon... But at 340g = 12oz....seems darn heavy for that shifter. May need to find something lighter. I'd like black or black and blue leather to coordinate with my accents.
To Bad there are no small beer taps to use as a shifter.... Sorry hard to leave my old 4x4 lifted pickup ways