Hello, fellow Prius People!! Looks like this particular forum area is a little cold to the touch....a mite stale, one might say....been about 3 months since last activity. Oh well, not to worry - whether this post is read by anyone is not a big concern. I just wanted to give a big shout-out to everyone on the inter-web who also owns, operates, and loves their Prius! At 44 years of age, I have owned many cars/trucks/lawnmowers etc over the decades; but nothing quite like the Prius. I went from what I thought was an adequate, purposeful vehicle that was meeting my needs - except for fuel economy and environmental impact - a 2003 Honda CR-V, and never thought a Prius would match it for its role as "all-purpose vehicle". Well, the CR-V has been replaced by a very capable car. 1. economy - average 25 mpg "real world" CR-V, average 51 mpg "real world" with my Prius 2. eco-impact: lower emissions than CR-V, which was already an LEV anyway....now I drive a PZEV! 3. handling - a little better, since it is a lower COG vehicle 4. roominess - I see at least the same amount of legroom as a driver, comfort is right up there...and the great thing, it is identical to the CR-V in that it is a 4-door hatchback; of course the CR-V has a higher roofline so one could stack more stuff, but realistically the Prius holds its own - I am an elementary schoolteacher and in the process of moving things in/out of my room for the summer break I have been massively loading this car up and it holds a ton of stuff! I feel like Sanford & Son with this thing! It is unreal! 5. looks - ahh, yes.....in the eye of the beholder....after taking off the goofy plastic "trim rings" from my alloys, my wheels sure look cooler....I think the Prius has a certain techie/geek appeal that is 100% greater than the plain vanilla generic CR-V I one owned. OK...that's enough....I'm still packing up my classroom! Have a great summer break, school teachers!!! Adam
Hi Adam, Thanks for "waking" up the Northern Va site! I enjoyed reading your observations. I am in line to get a Prius, but just when, of course, is anyone's guess. Wondering if you bought at Alexandria Toyota and what your experience was with that dealership. Also, how long did it take to get yours and did you get your first color selection? Is it easier or harder to get one with package #6? Sue
Going to the Northern VA section was one of the first things I did after becoming a PC member. I was a little disappointed to see very few recent posts. I realized later that it didn't seem to matter because most everything I wanted to talk about (including NO VA topics) was being discussed by the entire forum. Even so, its good to see a new post in the NO VA section! Jack
Welcome, Adam, from a neighbor of sorts 100 miles to your south, and from another recovering CR-V owner (1997).
Sue, glad to have stirred the NOVA site back up once more! Not a problem! I actually bought mine at Koons Tyson's Toyota; I believe it was the first Sunday of May. At that time, which was right on the edge of renewed "Prius fever" due to the sudden spike in fuel prices; I lucked out - there were three or four new cars being test-driven that particular day and one 2007 used model in stock. I ended up testing the used car, it was a silver package 6 with 9,000 miles and the main reason I bought the car was because it was available for purchase! I honestly had no plans to buy a Prius that day, in fact my wife and I had gone out to look for some new running/walking shoes at a shoe shop in Pimmit Hills. Before we left to go out, she thought maybe we should go take a look at a Prius on the way - I had recently checked out a friend's Prius, and new that if there was a way to trade in my Honda I would probably do so to get one. I guess I can blame her for helping me find my car! The very next day is when that dealership began "running out" of Prii. Then the long backordering began. Anyway, that's my story of how I got my car. I would rate the experience as very good with Koons Toyota, but then again, YMMV!
Thanks, Adam. I am awaiting mine from Alexandria Toyota. My salesman actually called me back two days later with 2 "new" 2007s. I opted against them because they each had 600 miles (not my definition of new but not taxed and titled) and neither were on my color list. In retrospect, maybe I should have gone ahead and bought one! Cheers, Sue
Adam, welcome and congratulations. My prius was actually a dealer swap from Koons, I bought it at Toyota of Waldorf though. I am just across the line from you in Clinton, MD, but I used to work in Alexandria and my SO is still working there. I do still cross the bridge every once in a while so I'll keep an eye out next time I'm over there.
Hey fellow No VA Prius Owner. I got my Prius 6 days ago from Arlington Toyota. Ordered May 22nd and was told there was going to be an 8 week wait. But another deal fell through (cosigner out of town) so he car became mine :~) Exactly as ordered - Magnetic Grey package 2
FWIW, I snapped a few pics of the car minus the goofy trim rings on the wheels. Now, who told Toyota that they looked good? (That's just my 2 cents...) Adam
Hello all, For those of you on long wait lists, you may want to check out Warrenton Toyota. I was working with a sales person from their Manassas dealership and was told they were going to open up a new dealership in Warrenton. Long story short, I had a choice of couple cars on the day they opened but chose to go on a wait list for a different color. Being the first on the list had me in my new car within 3 weeks (about 2 weeks ago). I wasn't all that excited about the purchase initially since it was purely a commuter car, but its growing on me very fast. Its much more comfortable than I thought it would be. Safe driving all.
Hello people from DMV (DC, Maryland & Virginia). My wife bought a used 07 Prius 2 months ago (traded in her 06 Toyota Sienna) from Antwerpen Toyota in Maryland. We have enjoyed the car so much that we placed an order for mine. Luckily we found another used 07 the same color and package that I had placed an order for in Waldorf MD. The original owners kept the car in like new condition. I am glad that I found the used one because the new Prius are too expensive.