So, my coworkers and I were talking about a shirt that one of them was wearing of I'd seen that comic posted a year ago by an intern. I had no idea where it came from but it struck a chord for me since I work on Mac software. A year later I find it it came from xkcd. Xkcd? Huh? One of them explained and I finally checked it out. I can't believe I didn't know about it all this time. Here are some of my faves so far:
Ah, yes, xkcd. My second-favorite comic on the web right now, right behind The Perry Bible Fellowship (For those who have never seen it, it's sort of an R-rated version of The Far Side with much better artwork). As for most web comics, I agree with Strong Bad on this issue.
Hey! I have posted from XKCD before. This is my favorite: You might enjoy SMBC as well.
A few of my favorites (and, I love XKCD): pagan-friendly comic also a far-side-ish look at life the tech-geek requirement This one, I'm not sure if there is an actual website, but here's one of the thread of comics:
Lisp Cycles Know what's nuts? My father did teach me Lisp. I tell people what that "DOS window" is and they look at me like I have two heads.
Re: wow, I can't believe I didn't know about xkcd until recently I used to know Lisp and Scheme, a variant. Honestly, I hated them both. But it might have been the professor; I didn't care for his teaching style at all.
Re: wow, I can't believe I didn't know about xkcd until recently How about Forth? I wrote a visual inspection system in Forth. Of course us old guys go back to when computers had white beads and black beads... Tom
Re: wow, I can't believe I didn't know about xkcd until recently Since we're sharing, this is one of my favorites:
Re: wow, I can't believe I didn't know about xkcd until recently I still prefer the 'sudo make me a sandwhich' comic the best. In re the last post: I forget where I read it, but there was a phrase similar to that last comic. Sociologists think they're psychologists. Psychologists think they are biologists. Biologists think they're chemists. Chemists think they're physicists. Physicists thing they're mathematicians. And mathematicians think they're God.
Re: wow, I can't believe I didn't know about xkcd until recently Wanna see and optical illusion? Hold your keyboard up in front of you and look at the home row. Now cross your eyes a little so the G and H overlap. Keeping focused, lift the keyboard over your head. Thats my favorite one. xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
Re: wow, I can't believe I didn't know about xkcd until recently I remember this one from many years ago! I'm not getting tricked... again! madsock
Re: wow, I can't believe I didn't know about xkcd until recently Damn it! NOT FUNNY! I hope your legs grow together! Wildkow