Have had my Silver 2005 Prius for about a week and love driving this car!! The audio system has me a bit baffled though. Does a mute button exist for this system so I can mute cd's or whatever when I want? Also, does the title protion work for anyone on CD's or casette's? I am just amazed that I am playing casette's in a car again! (These are from my timecapsule casette box from college by the way)
There isn't a true mute button, but if you press and hold the mode button on the steering wheel it will turn it off. Pressing it again will turn it back on and you will resume where you left off.
Yours has a cassette player? I never even saw that option offered, or I would have gotten it. Oh, and the title won't work on commercial CD's but it will work on those burned with the CD-TEXT option.
It is included with the JBL sound system along with the 6 CD changer and the nine speakers. It is not otherwise available.
I'll be darn - I did not know that, always trying to turn the volume down when the phone rings... Thanks for the tip!
It will work on some commercial CDs. It's just that precious few actually have CD Text. My gf's Franz Ferdinand, for example. No other CDs I've played have worked, though. It's one of those great ideas that just doesn't have universal backing.
Get a Bluetooth phone that supports handsfree. That way the car automatically mutes the audio when you answer the phone.
Thanks for the mode button tip.. thats usefull. My partners "Good Charlott" CD comes up with the title etc.. but thats the only CD that I've seen that does it.
If you want "Instant Mute for a few seconds" you could press the Voice Command button. You'll have to listen to a 1 beep then you get some silence, then another beep and "Voice recognition mode is finished". If you press MAP while shes saying that, you don't have to listen to the whole phrase. The white wire on the large connector on the NAV ECU is a mute output. There's probably a way to add a mute switch to pretend the NAV ECU just asked for the mute condition.