There is a pkg. 1 coming in and should get here by the beginning of July. I wanted a pkg. 2. But, that seems to be what everybody wants. The pkg. 1 comes with cruise control and heated mirrors. Pkg. 2 comes with VSC, smart key, rear-view camera, and ipod connections. For $600 that is a steal. I have asked several dealers around here and most of the people on the wait list are wanting pkg. 2. So, the wait will be a long one. I got on the list with a dealer with a small wait and nobody wanted the pkg. 1. Will I regret my choice in getting a pkg. 1?
I have the package 1 and love it, the market is so crazy right now that they are hard to find. If you really think you need the camera and smart key, wait. Buyers remorse sucks, but understand you may be waiting awhile...........good luck
I'm not aware of any problems attributed to VSC. I am aware of problems attributed to the traction control (which is standard). If you use new winter tires during snow season, then you should be OK. I can't assess whether you will be happy with option pkg 1 or not. You might have to wait for the 2009 model year vehicles to start shipping, in order to get a better-equipped car...
Ah, you are right. I corrected me post. I have a Murano that I am driving now and it is killing me with gas. I am ready to dump it for something that gets better MPG. My wife drives the Prius we currently have.
to be honest i would wait for what you truly wanted. you will be happier in the end. i for example, wanted it fully pimped out and would settle for nothing less. i would have had no problem saying no to any lesser package.
Right now, take what is available. Pkg 2 is nice for $575, but not necessary. If you can get the car for below $22K, it's a bargain right now. Grab it.
I concur wholeheartedly. I fell in love with my current car but settled for the base model with no extras (other than a moonroof). I regret not waiting to get the package that I really wanted, but this was a brand new model (Altima Coupe) and the supply was scarce at the time. I insisted that my Prius be at least a package 5 and I wound up with a package 6, with some additional goodies like tinted windows and XM radio. I spend too much of my life in my car just going to work and back (not so much the distance, but the amount of traffic clogging the road) not to make it as pleasurable an experience as possible. I also have to travel about 160 miles round trip to see family at least once a month. Fortunately, I can afford to get what I really wanted and I don't mind paying for it. I will never settle for anything less ever again.
I wouldn't buy a new vehicle without VSC. It seems an odd omission for a car line that touts its safety features. I also especially like the keyless system, but that's just a matter of preference.
The VSC by itself is worth every penny, its saved me once this past winter with the entire family in the car. Its amazing. Plus I couldn't imagine my Prius without the smart key. If you live in a warm climate without bad weather and could care less about the smart key go for it.
I just ordered one new for $21,815. Of course, I don't do packages. Waste of money to me. Thanks to not blowing cash on packages (got my 2007 Sienna LE for $23000 out the door... I know people pay over $40,000 for those things) I can now pay cash for the Prius. Every nickle counts. I hate paying banks to use their money.
With the Prius, I am a VSC believer, and I won't get another car without some kind of stability control. It is an amazing safety feature.
Didn't they recently pass legislation making VSC mandatory in ALL new cars starting in '09 or '10? Regardless I have to agree with others who say this feature is worth the money if safety is an issue. I'm not sure if the case is true with the '08 but I know the '04-'05 base model did NOT come with rear side curtain air bags, which is why I bailed on a base model I test drove. The crash test results were significantly improved with the added air bags. I also REALLY like keyless entry, way more than I thought I would. For me those 3 things justify the added cost.
I really like not having to fish for keys in my pocket and I like hooking up the iPod to the AUX port. If you THINK - even for a little bit - that you might want that convenience then wait for a #2. You can spend a fortune trying to add those things later and they might not work very well.
If you plan to keep the car for more than two years I would wait to get the best possible upgrade package. I can't imagine not having the Smart Key and the handsfree cell phone ever again!