I just got my 2008 Prius w. dark gray interior and I love it. Unfortunately I am also a sport freak so expect to be hauling lots of sport gear in/out of the cargo area of my prius and you know that means dirt, bike grease chains, etc. Can someone who currently has one recommend the best all weather cargo mat for the Prius? I would be interested in finding out which all weather mats are the best quality since it looks like I will probably have to buy it aftermarket online and it's so hard to tell online. I googled online and so far it sames the weathertech cargo mats or the Hexomat seem the best. This is what I'm looking at....All-Weather Cargo Liners, Floor Liners, Husky Cargo Liners ...btw, I already got some bike grease on the gray cargo carpet. What cleaner is everyone using to clean grease stains off of the prius cargo area carpet? Thanks! Hanh
I'd try this first on an inconspicuous area, but use Simple Green, followed by soap and water, bloting the stain, never smearing. I think I've used it before on carpeting, but not exactly sure. As for the cargo liner, I bought the more expensive Weathertech. I'm very happy but see if you can find the thickness of each product and in your case I'd buy the thicker of them. ZC1
The priuschat shop sells the weathertech liner: PriusChat Shop : WeatherTech Toyota Prius Cargo Liner Mat [W2440268] - $104.99 I purchased a neoprene/nylon liner for my Prius (I don't use it now) from sigmaautomotive.com a couple years ago. It's nice b/c it protects but is still soft and water resistant. Finally, when you're hauling greasy stuff like that remember that you can fold up the floor of the hatch and put the greasy stuff into the plastic tray in the hidden compartment beneath. I currently don't even have the cloth covered floor in my Prius. I purchased a piece of commercial grade rubber backed carpeting and cut it to shape to line the floor of the plastic cargo tray. This gives me a lot more storage room whenever I need it...I don't really care if it's as pretty as it was with the floor in.
Folex, available at Home Depot and Lowe's, is one of the highest regarded carpet cleaners on Autopia.
Hey, that is a great idea! I would like to cover the back of the 2nd row seats also as I will tend to lay the 2nd row seats down to get more cargo area. I have not seen Weathertech build anything for the back of the 2nd row seats. I'm going to go to home depot to check out commercial grade rubber carpeting now! Thank you!
Thanks. I use Simple Green to clean my road bike so have it in the garage already. I will try that first! hanhster