Not on a prius, but I have on other cars. I wouldn't recommend it. Unless you are planning to drive only slightly faster than walking speed, you will find that the plywood tends to act like a giant sail and is just as likely to rip the roof rack off your car.
i agree with that. Can you cut the wood to smaller units? that would help a lot. otherwise in situations like that i have rented a home depot truck for an hour or i borrowed a friends truck for an hour. I would also be worried about damage to the vehicle if it was new or newer. i am sure we all have seen people on the side of the road adjusting their loads, retying it down, or picking it off the road due to the reason listed above. better to spend 30 dollars to rent then to pull your hair out when you damage the wood due to an accident.
In this case the distance was 1/2 mile through parking lots and neighborhood streets. I now use a light weight trailer to transport plywood ... much, much safer and faster. Bob Wilson
Prius is for driving, trucks are for deliveries. Not those toy truck wankers drive but real truck blokes get paid to drive. Why risk damage to a $20,000+ Prius to save a few bucks on a delivery? I want you to practise this phrase, "Can you deliver that to <insert address here> please?" It can save a lot of heartache. Toyota don't even recommend fitting roof racks to Prius.
NO NO NO, Of course thats why my 4Runner is still sitting in the back yard with a Solar Battery charger on it!!!! It only makes runs to Home Depot etc!!! YOU CAN NOT HAUL A PIECE OF PLYWOOD ON A PRIUS. Well unless you have a death wish!!! Or you could have the store cut it up in 2 ft. X 4 FT. pieces, then yes it will fit!!! Pat KK6PD
Well, you can of course, it is simply necessary to tie down in such a way that the rack is dissuaded from sailing away. For a particular project, I was constrained to only use plywood of I guess about 7 mm thickness because that was the heaviest I could lift into position by myself. The minimalist roof rack is two truck-tire tubes, fore and aft. They deflate for storage and have a secondary recreational purpose at the lake. However, the advantages of other means of hauling have been presented above. Suit yourself. What 'gets' me is people tailgating behind me when I have a roof load. I mean, I know my tiedowns are fine, but they don't know it, and in some sense are risking their lives.
Even our surfboards move around a good bit with a HandiRack. It's not the sail area as much as it's the crosswinds & gusts...
Just FYI....if you rip the 4x8' sheets (i.e. two 2x8' sheets), they will fit in the Prius. You will have to lower the back seat, as well as the front passenger seat (which can be done after removing the headrest). Lowes/Home Depot usually charge about $.50 per rip.