I'm wondering what ride-along etiquette should be for people who get a ride from you in the Prius. If I ever ride with someone, I always either offer a few bucks for gas or offer to get the ride the next time. This seems to make sense and is fair. It's worked fine and when I drove my Ford Taurus people offered to pay for gas. But now that I have the Prius, I never get anyone offering to pay for gas. Yes, the car is more fuel efficient but it's still not free. Has anyone come up against this? How did you deal with it?
IF you do this regularly, tape an envelope to your dash. "Gas is now $4.xx a gallon. Contributions appreciated." This is considered more polite than the class "Gas, Grass, or nice person, nobody rides for free."
Not a clue,that was from way back when. I bought a motorcycle to ride to work. It had a sticker on it: Drive 90-freeze a yankee:brushteeth: To all of the folks from above the Mason Dixon line this is also a joke. Please take it as such.
I just stopped giving rides once I figured out who kept leeching rides... For me, it's only fair if we take turns driving (I don't care how many rides you gave to other people, "other people" is not me).
I know your situation is different but it reminded me of the rules for slugging which are different because the passengers "Pay" the driver by allowing them to get in the HOV. In this case, the passengers do not pay for gas. Here is a link to slug etiquette: Etiquette and Rules of Slug Lines Enjoy!
Perfect timing on this post I had four people at work ask to commute in with me last week... a year ago i was a funny little techno geek man with no style..... Froley
I've never heard of slugging. That's pretty cool in a risky sort of way! If at any time my mpg falls below 50, passengers are obligated to get out and push.
Up here in the mountains we have a constant flow of hitch hikers, most of them trying to a free ride down into town to buy their 24 paks for the day with their SSI checks and then get a ride up the mountain again. Makes my hubby madder than a hornet. "Take the bus you lazy bum! Or get a job and get your own ride!" he rants as he passes them by. Of course, they can't hear him. But it makes hubby feel better. lol
i feel awkward accepting money from people. but a few friends do on occasion if i go out of my way to give them a ride, and i accept it. honestly i prefer to drive. call it a control issue.
Same here. I feel safer with me behind the wheel. When someone offers to pay, I say something like, "Great . . . that'll be 32 cents each please." It gets a laugh every time.
Normally I would feel awkward about taking money too, however, after I was done driving everyone around to our destinations this one time, I was asked to pay a nominal charge for the food we were about to BBQ. I mentioned that I had just driven the group more than 50 miles, and paid for parking, and that my husband and I should be exempted. (My husband and I bought our own beer.) They didn't agree so much as not fight it. But I was kind of ticked off. Parking alone was $15 and nobody else offered to chip in for that.
Easy Answer ! Explain to your rider that Mr. Spinella from CNW research claims that the Hummer is more economical to drive ... and the Prius is the real money waster ... doing the dust to dust analysis ... and thus, you actually need MORE cash, just to get by. :rofl: .
Get some new friends, JK! We have had the free riders for years but not with our car just with our boat. I figure it is worth the extra money to have them in the boat as the more weight creates a bigger wake. Bigger wake equals bigger jumps. People have been telling me for years to get a tip jar so the free riders can give up some of their hard earned cash. Still like my friends more then I like the money or pain of asking for money.
Take turns driving. If your carpool is 4 people, you will only have to worry about driving every 4th week. It is more than just the cost of gas. Your CPB's are not adding miles to their cars either.
I have a related question...Two co-workers and I were considering carpooling. Each would drive one day and take the other two, and the other two days a week we would drive ourselves alone (for errands, doctor appointments, etc.) I agreed to this, and last week was the test week. The one chosen to drive on Mondays has an absolutely FILTHY car. I got stuck in the backseat sitting on god only knows what! What is the best way to back out of the arrangement?? I don't want to spend Mondays at work sticky and stained!!
Another solution: update the arrangement. The carpool vehicle must be clear of trash, dirty clothes, old food, etc. The other driver probably wants an excuse to clean their car so give them one. That is how our house gets clean -- we invite guests or family over!
That might work, except she KNEW we were starting the arrangement last Monday, so she cleaned the OUTSIDE of the car over the weekend, but not the inside, and when I got in the car she said "well I probably should have spent some time cleaning the inside, but at least the outside's clean!" I'd rather spend the gas money and drive myself in my wonderfully clean car than ride in that junk infested car every again.