Now that it's getting hot, how's the a/c? in your Prius? I especially mean whe you're stopped at a stoplight. I had great luck with other Toyotas and considered their a/c great. Comments?
I've had no problems with the Prius A/C during my 30 mile commute. I typically run it on the medium fan setting in the afternoon and even that sometimes gets too cold. Since the A/C compressor is electric, it really does not matter if you are stopped or moving, it runs off the HV battery. The HV battery does deplete faster if you are stopped and running the A/C, but the ICE will kick on automatically once you hit 40% SOC.
The only problems I have encountered is after the car has been sitting outside in the sun all day the A/C doesn't feel hot at all. But my guess is because its 110+ outside & lots hotter inside & it just never really cools the car down. Other than that, I only have my A/C on high when I 1st get in, then put it on lowest setting. It's always on the LO cool setting, but it does stay pretty cold!
I keep mine set on auto and the temp set at 78 degrees. It cools down pretty quick and stays comfortable even at stop lights or in stop and go trafic.
I set mine on Auto and the temp at 80, if it's just me in the car, and 78 if there are people in the back seat. I am not one for the heat, and this is comfortable for me. It helps a lot that I have covered parking at work, and garage park at home. I parked outside two days at my BF's house, and saw my MPG suffer while working to cool the car off!
Has anyone else had this problem? It happened to me when I had it sitting outside in a parking lot for a few hours, which was uncovered. Normally the AC should get the car cooled down after 15 minutes, but the Prius never cooled down the car. Is this an issue with the AC on the Prius?
The cars outside temp reading was 116 on the home today. I was comfy, in fact I clicked it up 2 degrees from 78 to 80. HV battery voltage tends to be lower, my average MPG went from 52 to 49.5.
Mine did well when the day time temps went over 100 degrees in the old measure for several days straight. Just set to 23.5 degrees celcius and forget it. I might add, park under cover when you can and if you can't then use sun reflective window shades when parked.
I agree with what others have said. The A/C works well in the Prius but if it's sitting outside all day it takes a bit to cool it down. I like it COLD and I find the Prius on a lower fan speed than my other cars.... this is however, when it's been sitting under covered parking (or in the garage). I contribute this to the huge windshield and dash radiating heat. Using my window shade has made thing much much better. Yesterday afternoon I left my office by Tempe Town Lake and drove down to Val Vista/Chandler. I had the A/C on 72 I believe and the fan by the time I was half way there was on medium (in the auto mode). The outside temperature was 113 when I left and 115 when I got there. My car however was parked in covered parking before I started the drive. How dark is your tint? I have mine as dark as the law allows. Limo on the back and back passenger side windows and relatively dark on the driver/passenger window. I'm actually thinking of running Limo all around except the windshield since window tint laws aren't enforced typically here. Back when I had my Expedition I had the front windshield tinted. It was so slight you couldn't tell unless it was next to another Expedition but it, combined with the UV protection made a HUGE difference on internal temperatures. We then broke the windshield (when a rock chip spread) about a month later and had to have it replaced... I'll probably never tint the front again due to how often we get rock chips in AZ. Mike
I agree with the others that the car seems very slow to cool down when it's been sitting outside in the sun for some time. I too think a big problem is the large front windshield and all the other window areas. I often feel like I'm getting a sunburn just driving around during the day. I think I may re-visit getting my front and side windows tinted. The first place I went to said it wasn't allowed on the front windshield. Also, I think I'll attach some of those acrylic tinted visor shades to my visors. But once it does cool down (maybe after 15 minutes or so?), it is great. I just wish there was a fan up/down switch on the steering wheel. I would use it all the time.
eace: Peace to the world this Independence day! I have moderate tinting on side and rear windows. It helps tremendously with the heat issue. However, the visibility problem at night is a major issue for me. I need to roll the windows down to get clear visibility. Does anyone else relate to this?
I used to on prior vehicles (roll down the windows particularly when parking). I'm pretty used to it now. I also think the Prius isn't quite as dark as my other vehicles because my other vehicles were SUV's that had pretty dark factory smoked glass that I slapped limo tint on top of. Since the Prius isn't factory tinted, my windows technically aren't quite as dark. My biggest problem was seeing out the back. Since I use my side mirrors to line up (and my side windows aren't as dark) and use my back up camera to make sure I don't run into anything it isn't a problem with the Prius. Mike
...on a side note. I had my Prius in direct sun for about 3 hours yesterday and it was probably 150 degrees in there. I rolled down all 4 of my windows for about 3 or 4 mins as I was pulling away and it really made a huge difference in cooling down the vehicle. Getting that 150 degree air out of there and replacing it with a "cool" 108 degree air does wonders. Mike