I understand the bicycling support situtation, however I have a small physical problem which renders a bicycle an unusable option the physical situtation combined with the heat here makes biking a non option for me.... the perception error factor about seways and not working out has caused my dealer to create and sell a segway T--shirt that says " i'm not avoiding working out i'm commuting!" I think that users of any non-oil or reduced oil based transport should stick together ... Froley
I tried out a Segway at a coworkers birthday party and I found that it is pretty intuitive and easy to ride. Just expensive.
congrats on the segway as mentioned before post pics and reviews when u get a chance bike v segway IMO is apples to oranges bike u can use to travel more efficiently, but not everywhere u want to go u want to be sweaty...yuck a friend of a friend rides his segway to work i think 11miles 1hour trip, and charges at work then rides it back home better than a bike, u can ride it with a suit on and not break a sweat, charge for free at work, do the same thing going home to me if i rode a bike 1mile id be covered in sweat...thats just how my body is... sorry for the rant... -enjoy
Can you ride a Segway into Area 57? you can go anywhere hey? Segway isn't legal here for use on streets or footpaths.
How much does one of those cost anyway? Just curious! I see a guy at the golf course with his bag strapped to it and he looks to be enjoying himself. Looks like fun to me too. Go for it!
My personal opinion of a segway is that a bike is superior. I have never ridden a segway but have watched the locals here in NH zip by me on the sidewalks. I just cannot see myself paying so much for the device when a bike costs much less. Neat idea though if it fits your budget and plans.
OK, then imagine doing the same trip on a bike...you would be alot sweatier ... eeewwwww like i said bikes are more efficient, but you will sweat for sure hot or cold, a slight uphill and your breaking a sweat for sure LOL segway not likely apples to oranges
I'll post photo's and a report on the segway when i receive it in July.... thanks to everyone for your posts and ideas... Froley
I'm really curious about this one. Where can't I take bicycle that I can take a segway? Inside a shopping mall, maybe? I can't think of much else, and can see no reason to want a motorized vehicle around masses of pedestrians. I can ride my road bike for 100 miles in a morning. I can ride my mountain bike 40 miles off road and/or all day. I can actually get somewhere. I can do none of this with a Segway. Note: I have ridden several Segways. Yes they're great fun. But there's just no hope that one can replace a bike for overall practicality/health/what have you. And no, not everybody can ride a bike. Surprise... not everybody can ride a Segway either. And not everybody can drive. I think we don't need to talk about the folks who "can't." I dare say that most everybody who rides a Segway is totally capable of riding a bike!
i am somewhat amazed by the response of bicyclists.... to this posting....i wonder why there is seemingly such, well such resentment---do you feel that way about electric bicycles? Electric wheelchairs? electric cars? Or is it just against the segway? Dean Kamen wanted to change the world with the segway, eliminating as many cars as possible from inner city zones---is that not a noble goal in line with a bike the city mentality? i have to admit that i am somewhat amused but yet dismayed. Froley
Well first lets start off with the big hype the company had and then the huge let down. Heck, I live in NH where they are built and I see one every blue moon. The cost is, frankly, insane. Basically a toy for rich people or a way for city govts to blow their budget on. I think the base model costs around 4000 dollars and up? I think that is right and no middle class family will spend that kind of dough for the return of investment you get on it. Little billy and sally can have traditional bikes for a mere couple hundred dollars or so and get years of use out of them and more importantly exercise. Next, the first segway had a massive recall. The next generation segway had a massive recall. What a great track record for safety issues that could cause harm to the person riding them eh? One has to wonder what else lurks behind this device that could harm an unsuspecting rider. The device does not seem complicated but I guess it is... based on recall history in the last 7 years. Next, the amount of bans communities place on these devices is hilarious. You think blind advocacy groups complain about the prius? Well you should read what they think of the segway. "The Segway may well have a good use and place in our environment, but it is clear [...] that insufficient attention is being paid to pedestrian safety and injuries and deaths are not the price we should be paying for innovation." America Walks position on the segway, "Nothing that moves faster than walking speed belongs in the space intended for walking." So now you are pushed into the road and the segway was never designed for that. Japan basically outlawed them on the roads due to being considered a type of motorcycle due to the engine size. Well I wonder how well they do in a busy city like Tokyo with crowded sidewalks? I mean I could go on and on like this. The company appears not to be financially stable and their long term outlook is poor in my mind. Some other company will buy their assets would be my guess when they go bankrupt. Ahead of their time? Maybe. Anyone's guess. All I know is that the older I get more and more exercise is important. I try to take mile long walks once a week with my girlfriend. I can truly see this segway sitting in the basement or garage after the novelty wore off unless your situation in life truly truly can fit one of these devices into it just perfectly. As for most Americans... they said oooh neat, and forgot about them. Bikes are more practical, get more use, cost less to buy and operate, you get exercise, they fit your lifestyle as needed unlike the segway which was a answer looking for a problem. hm. sorry to be so negative. i think it is a neat toy but that is about it.
How can you say this "a bike is superior", when you admit this "I have never ridden a segway"? I think a 1976 Corolla is a far better car than a Lamborghini Murciélago, I make this assessment without ever driving the Lambo of course. Oh, I can't see myself paying for a Prius when a Yaris costs much less. Then again I can't see myself paying for an 18 speed bike, a single speed bike is cheaper.