Wow! Glad to see you made it out relatively OK. I would get your name on a list or 2 ASAP and maybe buy a beater to make it by on for a few months.
What are your specific car needs? Do you have a long commute, lots of short trips, bumper to bumper, etc.? I would want a new Prius but you need other options if Morpheus' idea doesn't come through. There might be a cheap solution while you wait for another Prius so let us know what your needs are and folks will throw some ideas at you. Glad you are OK.
That'll buff right out! Glad you're alright and glad this car is built to save lives. Offset impact like that w/o an airbag...even with a seat-belt...could lead to serious head injury or even death. I like the idea of the appeal to Toyota by sending the pic and subtly suggesting you'd realy like to replace that car with another Prius...who knows what'll happen.
Awesome! Surprised nobody asked but did the firemen dither about the orange wires or just go at it with the can opener?
That is amazing and I'm glad to hear that you both were alright. What type of car hit you and how fast were you going? I hope you don't mind me asking but I'm just curious as I've always had a bit of a concern in the back of my mind in "downsizing" to the Prius and how it would fare in a collision. ualdriver
Good luck with your replacement vehicle. Here I've been worrying someone might ding my door (only had mine a month) - this really puts it in perspective! Glad you're okay and seeing the big picture!
Re: My car is toast but I'm alive. More pics attached I was going north at about 35-40 mph. The other car was going south at about 45-50 mph. There was no sun glare. The road was dry. According to the nice lady who was driving behind me (at a safe distance and who called 911 and stayed to give a statement to the police), the other car turned their wheel directly into the front corner of my car. No warning, no drifting, just turned into me. The other car was Toyota Camry. Does anyone have a real E-mail address for Toyota USA? I can only find their E-mail form and it will not allow attachments. Here are some more pictures. I forgot to mention that the other car also pushed me into the guard rail. Only a few seconds away from a convertible!!! Please note the 1 month old tires from Costco. Also, four wheel steering would be nice on the 2010.
WOW! That was a Prius??? If someone had done that to my Prius I would have been extremely mad. I'm mad at an unknown person right now because they kicked ours and dented it. But for having it totaled, you are taking it REALLY well.
HOLY CRAP!!! Thank God that you are alive!!! I think the idea about writing to Toyota is a great one, I hope you get a good email address that you can attach the photos to. I think in a situation like yours Toyota could do something to help you get another Prius fast without waiting on a long waiting list, since the accident was not even your fault. Did you think about first going to your local dealer and explaining your situation and show them the photos and see what they can do to get you another car right away. Since the dealers themselves operate independantly, I would not see why they could not help you out. I guess I will stop being mad now about the fool at Six Flags Great America that bumped into my Prius in the parking lot yesterday and cracked my new license plate cover and cracked up the whole thing. He did it while I was right there in car and just said sorry, and when I asked him for $10 to replace the cover he told me he did not have any money on him, I was nice and told him to forget it, but I was still pissed, but after seeing your car, I guess i am not so pissed anymore. Keep us posted on your search for a new Prius..
I'm pretty impressed that it managed to bend up the lower rail and actually deform the passenger cage that much -- we've seen a lot of wreck pix where the front/back of the Prius is complete toast but the cabin is still more less the same shape. Wow, glad you're okay and here telling us about it. I'm always paranoid about some yutz diving across the centerline at me... all they need is some minor distraction, especially on a curve. I was in a friend's car a few years ago that got smacked [fortunately not head-on] because the other driver was frantically searching for a cigarette that she'd dropped. . _H*