so, im on my 3rd tank of gas and im getting a about a 38 mpg average on each tank of gas. what happened to the 60 mpg?? ive been reading through a lot of the posts from this forum and it seems everyone here has a different opinion about what the best way to drive this car is. so, lay some on me. my commute to work is 8.6 miles.
:roll: ...*IF* it's any consolation... .... NO ONE, in any auto in 'normal' usage gets the EPA mileage. Not on your new Prius or its predecessor you drove or still drive. If you will take a look at the "fine print" on your large window placard just below the "60 - 51" Fuel Economy Information you will see: "Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions, driving habits and vehicle's condition. Results reported to EPA indicate that the majority of vehicles with these estimates will achieve between 51 and 69 mpg in the city - and between 43 and 59 mpg on the highway." It is also interesting to note that the numbers reported to the EPA are those determined by the auto manufacturer's own tests, not independently done by the EPA itself. Seems many buyers look at the BIG BOLD " 60 - 51" and naively think they'll get those results. Reminds me of a very old song: "All That Glitters is not Gold" In spite of all that, you're getting likely near twice the fuel economy you got on your previous auto and helping improve the environment in the process. Enjoy your new Prius ! I always quickly scroll past posts who use an irritating animated avator.
Actually, that's not true. My Saab 9-3 was almost right on the EPA estimates. At worst it was within an acceptable 5% range. Our MB E300D is also right within the EPA range. My 2005 Prius with 900 miles is averaging about 42mpg (mostly city) which is significantly below the estimates. I'm only on my 3rd tank of gas and I expect it will improve as the car breaks in. If it stays in the low 40s I'm going to bring it in as fuel mileage that far off (close to 40%) might be indicative of a problem. Oh, I don't think winter driving is a factor for me....nor is A/C as that hasn't been needed either. Ken
It is NOT related to the air compressor usage, it is related to the outdoor air temp (ambient). Fuel economy falls off in colder temps, I know this for a fact. I have 4000 miles on mine and got it a few days after the first of the year, and there is about a 1.5 Miles Per Gallon reduction of fuel economy for every 5 degree drop in ambient. This is not a constant scale, the MPG falls off more as it gets colder. You barely drive enough to recoup the initial ICE startup as well, so that works against you too. You did not mention the types of roads you do over that nearly nine mile commute either. That has an impact as well. I actually had a five mile city trip after fillup of 78 MPG. Typical? no, but I did get a 51.4 MPG average over a 250 mile stretch on city and two lange 55 MPH regulated roads last week. Ambient was about 55 average for that, too. Pay attention to the energy screens, learn to maximize the fuel economy, learn the car, know what it is doing by feel. Eventually you can learn to maximize fuel economy with the screen off and know what the car is doing, whether it is running battery only, ICE, coasting or gliding. Gliding is "no arrows", do all of that you can. 8)
[font=Andalus:34023be619]My newborn got 43 mpg from its first tank, 45 from its second tank. Hope this trend continues Car is garaged which helps but it\'s been cold here and that doesn\'t help. [/font:34023be619]
Robert, I think you got my post mixed up with the oriiginal poster. My comment was related to: 1. EPA estimates NOT always being as far off as they seem to be for me with the Prius. 2. That winter driving wasn't a factor in my case (I live in Florida0 3. That A/C use wasn't a factor because I haven't been using it. I didn't mention any sort of commute on my part. I actually work at home so my commute involves about 25 steps (bed to desk). I get great MPG on that
Things will get better. My first tank was 46 in August! You will learn. It will get warmer. The system will break in. The gas will get better. Chill and drive happy! Remember ICE on ICE off. Check out the 4 stages of Prius driving. You are in Stage I. It will get better.
Hi all, I know that I am still very much a Prius newbie. I just picked my 2005 Prius up on Saturday and right now the odometer is at about 200 miles. I have read enough post to know that I still need to break the car in, but I have managed to average 45- 48 mpg Highway but after driving 175 miles or so my gas tank is half way empty. With these type of MPG averages I was hoping to get between 450 and 490 per tank. Again I know that this is a new car and I am still cruising off of the dealer filled tank. I just wanted to make sure my experience was normal before I start complaining of a problem to my dealer. Thanks for any help that you can give.
I don't know how full your tank was. Even when I average in the high 30's, my gas gauge hits half at around 220-250 miles. If the gas tank is full, it will take you around 100 miles just to get it to come off the full least that's my observation. Filling the tank can be tricky....My gas pump shuts off and I have pumped almost 2 additional gallons. I got into a habit of trying that at every fillup....until I got the "vomiting fuel tank" syndrome. Where the gas literally SPEWS out of the filler. So now, I pretty much set the pump at a "medium" flow, then pump about another dollars worth into the tank.
I used to use a similar technique at the gas pump but somebody explained to me that I was actually loosing money because when the gas gets to that point no more gas is actually coming out even though the numbers are still spinning. The arguement that was made referenced the amount of pressure in the tank and the gas hose. I am not sure of the validity of the statement I just know the thought of loosing more money made me fill up until the pump "clicked" ( and occasionally a few more cents to round it to the nearest dollar )
I picked up my new Prius this last Saturday (the 19th) and yesterday I did my first refueling. My first tank average was 43 mpg. Here in eastern Iowa it's been pretty cold... but 43 mpg is about twice what I was getting in my previous car so I'm happy! Also, after doing some pre-purchase research and discovering this forum loooong before I got my car I knew not to expect to hit that window sticker mileage.
so ive been messing around with all the feed back you guys have been giving me and my mpg has gone up by 2 in the past 2 days. hopefully this is a trend that will comtinue thx.
Did anyone besides me have a problem getting the gas nozzle to disengage after fillup? Happened to us twice and it is a bit disturbing and embarrassing. There was no one to ask what to do and I couldn't go anywhere while being tethered to the gas pump. I finally got the nozzle out of my car but it was an uncomfortable experience. I've no trouble since my 5th (?) fill up.
NO, it was at two different stations. It first happened to me and then to my husband. A friend who got his 05 a month after me had the same problem - fortunately, I had warned him it might happen. I know I haven't returned to one of the stations - prefer to buy from Shell - but can't remember where the other one was. Don't know if it's the type of nozzle some of the cheaper stations have or what.
im still only getting at best around 40 mpg. ive changed around driving habits and everything. know its way better than any other car out there. but am still filling my tank almost as often as i was in previous car.
I'm currently getting 4.5 ltrs per 100 km the Australian EPA records this car of being able to do 4.4 ltrs per 100 km so I'm pretty happy with that :mrgreen: