I have bought my prius from an insurance auto auction which was hit from left front side. I have replace everything and every thing seem to work fine Excapt I can not get the car to start. Start button turns green then to orange but when I try to start the car with breaks pressed all the way, everything turns off. I do not see any warning signs of any kind. I had the ABS replaced, coolant heat tank, radiator, and the left head light. I am taking the car to the dealer and just want to see if I could get some help to make sure I am getting proper service from the dealer and not any extra charges. Please someone help and advise.Thank all
Get all of the codes from the dealer, written down, and post them here. Of course your car will be at the dealer ... Bob Wilson
You won't see any codes without the dealer's scan tool. From the nature of your posts, I worry that you might be in over your head. It could be time for professional help. Tom
The brake pedal assembly has a brake light switch on it. This switch not only controls the brake lights but also provides a signal to the hybrid vehicle ECU. If the switch is not working, then the ECU will not realize that you have depressed the brake pedal and will not allow the car to become READY. When the car is IG-ON (POWER button LED is orange), do the brake lights work as you depress the brake pedal? If yes, then that switch is functioning. If no, it may need adjustment or replacement. When the car is IG-ON, do all of the warning lights in the combination meter (adjacent to the speedometer, odometer and fuel gauge) turn on? The warning lights include the check engine light, various brake warning lights, airbag light, MAINT REQD light, etc. If no, then I suggest that you check all fuses in the large relay/fuse box near the driver's side fender, as well as the fuse box near the steering column under the instrument panel.
Though this is slightly off topic, I am nearly in the same position as you (minus the issue though). Because you bought it from an insurance auction, does this mean the car was totaled/salvaged? If so, is there any warrranty on the car at all? What type of parts did you use (3rd party or genuine Toyota parts?)If no, then you may be in for a lot of charges...
It was totaled and salvaged and there is no warrenty left on it, but I used Toyota parts from another Prius and as far as parts concern, I have bought all the parts I hope. All the electrics are working fine, but it wont start. The screen or display shows all the lights on and Start Button is Orange but as soon as I press start + Breaks, everything turns off and display goes blank. I hope the dealer finds something fast and no extra parts because this car already cost me $13000.
A thousand dollar car always costs at least two thousand dollars. Sorry to break the news, but a Prius is complicated. So much can go wrong with one in a salvage situation that it'll turn you white. Yours will have to be diagnosed, and probably repaired, by a certified Prius technician. Most of them are at Toyota dealers.
If it turns off when you push the button with the brake held, it's pretty clear that the brake switch or some wiring in between it and the ECU isn't working. . _H*