Got my Prius about 3 weeks ago, 2007 base. Got a good deal. Same dealership, same year, same options, today listed for............. $26995.00 And this is $1000 less than 2 other dealerships asking $28k plus. Believe it or not they are getting it as well. Shit, I could take my pimped out Prius down there tomorrow and probably sell on the spot! I called my salesguy and asked if this was correct, he said it was and I bought at a good time......MSRP is for "suggested" retail price, but if the consumer will pay more, WOW
I bought mine in late August 2007 in PA. I paid sticker for a package #6... $27,727 + tax/tags/yada yada yada. Since then, I put almost 16,000 miles on it, scooting around town, tooting the horn, waving at people, running over blind kids, etc. is showing used 2006s with higher mileage than mine with asking prices of $27k to $32k... Which means my car, almost a year, 16,000 miles, 2 oil changes, 1 blown tire, and 3 blind kids later, hasn't really depreciated much at all. In fact, it may have even jumped in value a bit. When does that ever happen to new cars? If I had some damn sense I would sell mine on craigslist, pay off the loan, pocket the difference, and buy a Civic. But damnit, I like the thing too damn much....
Interesting. If you do a search on CarMax (any distance) there are no Pri's available. None. Zero. Hasn't been any for almost a week now. So, even at inflated prices, used Pri's are going fast.
KBB states $22K - $25K for my area. 958 listings in San Diego. Of course they're all selling for low to mid $30's.
See, now I'm tempted to go on one of these sites (not Carmax though...) and post my car for some ridiculous sum of money.... Maybe if I can find some rich-kid-wait-lister willing to part with $40k to drive away with a gently used late-model Prius today, who am I to say no? :eyebrows:
yup used ones going for higher price than a new one. This is because of the waiting period if you order one (1 month to 6 months). So some people don't want to wait that long and will pay an infalted price