Shocking news... Heart attack while doing voiceovers for Meet The Press. NBC's Tim Russert dead at 58 - U.S. news - My favorite newsman is gone. We'll miss you, Tim.
What?!? Incredible & awful! The smartest guy on TV. Period. And, the 1st time I've gotten News on PC! Thanks Danny!
This is really sad news...he preceeded his 80 year old father in death. I learned so much about politics from Tim and always considered him the most respectable of newsmen in the business. I was sincerely looking forward to his prognostications and evaluations of this amazing presidential race. This is so shocking and sad...58 years old....just not right.
This was a real shock! I didn't always agree with his views, but he was an articulate and definitely intelligent journalist.
Tim Russert was the only journalist who actually taught me something about politics, even my wife likes listening to him. Tim reminded me of John Madden and what I learn from him regarding football. You're gonna be missed Tim. (I agree with Spectra's comments) ZC1
Not my favorite guy. I did not dislike him, but I just did not like his style and his stare. He came and visited our church a couple years back.
Russert will be missed simply because of his instinctive and intuitive understanding of the issues that needed to be analyzed. Some think he was too much of an interrogator others too little of an interrogator. My fav moment was when he criticized his own bureau telling Chris Matthews: "Did we ask the right questions about the war or was this invasion also our fault". Cheney, Rumsfeld and McCain all said Iraq will be a cakewalk on his show. And with Obama, Russert was the national TV first guy who asked him about Wright and Farrakhan. Russert would probe but not undress his guests. I think people ought to respect him.
Sad news indeed the guy was the quintessential definition of professionalism. His father, 80 years old, whom Tim just recently wrote a book about must be devastated to have outlived his son. Wildkow
This country has suffered an incredible and irreplaceable loss in the world of journalism. Tim's uncanny ability to drill down through the BS to the truth is unparalleled. His integrity, professionalism and insight will be sorely missed. My Sunday mornings just won't be the same. They just don't make them like Tim any more... My prayers go out to his entire family.