I am about an inch in thought and ten days in time away from purchasing a segway. New Mexico is a very Segway friendly state--no helmet--the law says go anywhere--which i could here in roswell--small town, good services nearby--and the thought of the Prius and segway as transport system supports my concept of where i want to be... anyone else on the board own both a segway and a prius? If so your experience with this concept? thanks so much (back after a long absence) Froley
not a segway... too much money for what it can do. rather ride a bike...but i did get a Zenn...more money yes, but it does more of what i want it to do.
Yes Alien transportation is quite correct---- it allows for us to move amongst the population--- we have given up the probing thing however==== actually the supposed crash area does have a rather strange vibe so to say Froley
I thought briefly about buying a Segway to commute to work on once. I actually live only 4 miles from work as the crow flies, but driving distance is about 11 miles due to the American River and bridge locations across it. I quickly decided against it because: I was concerned that some hoodlum would try to knock me off of it in an attempt to steal it. And A bike is faster, more practical and cheaper. If you couldn't ride a bike for some reason, then a Segway might be an option.
I don't have a Segway, but I can tell you they are a lot of fun to ride. I like the off-road model with the big tires - it's great for hopping curbs. I would have one except for two reasons: 1) they are expensive, and 2) I can walk anywhere in town that I can ride a Segway, and I need the exercise. Using a Segway would just make me lazy. Still, it would be fun to have. Tom
well i did order one ---- an i2 city model---20 mile range--12 mph---delivery in mid july and my reasoning is as follows: New Mexico is a super friendly segway state--no helmet required, go anywhere no problems.... The Dealer ---Segway of New Mexico offers small two wheel trailers which attach to the segway allowing for trips to the grocery and being able to haul a standard food supply run makes this much more practical for me.. The temperatures around here in the summer June thru Oct run 100 to 109.5 which makes biking during the day worse than being in the French Foreign Legion...If i use the segway around town, errands, bookstore, etc my prius can sit on the weekends reducing my weekly fuel costs to about 12-15 dollars (depending) since i split the price of a weekly commute 368 miles to work 5 days, by having a rider. Last but not least i wanted to do everything i can do to be independent of big oil and do not have much faith that electric cars will be allowed to prosper....i have four solar panels and am hoping to charge the seg off of them once i figure out a system. This is sort of a process i am attempting to work out inspired by having owned a prius ----to have a, for lack of a better term, smarter,smaller, friendlier lifestyle. regards froley
Walking works too. Now, what we need is an SKS with the Segway. Maybe be able to program it with the same FOB as you use in your Prius. :clap2: Bob
Whatever yanks your crank ... hope you enjoy it ... But just for comparison ... my Bianchi Vigorelli road bike can get up to 35 MPH on the flats, and has an unlimited range -- as long as I keep eating and drinking in the saddle. And it uses zero electricity. The bicycle is still the most efficient machine ever created by man.
But you have to PROPEL a bicycle... I just rode a Segway for the first time yesterday, it was a blast! Go for it.
But not everyone CAN propel a bicycle, and you can't take a bicycle the places you can take a segway. Literally almost anywhere you can walk... I don't see the Segway as replacing a Bicycle or a bicycle as replacing a Segway.
I've got a Segway i2, and it fits great in the back of my Prius. GET ONE! Go to segwaychat.com and check out the forums.
I agree. How about a Prius and a bike? Make a bike work, sweat a little, conserve the materials/energies to manufacture/deliver a Segway to your house. Take Amsterdam for example. They rock with using bikes. Never saw one segway there. .
Saw a Segway the other day, I think they are great for security guards, postmen, etc, people who need to walk around a lot on their jobs (but most security guards are fat and could gain by walking...), for regular commuting the Segway seems lazy and dorky to me. A bicycle is much better.
Issue is if you bike to work you're sweaty and nasty, can't dress for work, etc. You could operate a Segway in a suit. You can't bike on sidewalks, you can Segway on sidewalks. Bikes operate as vehicles in terms of the law, Segways operate as electric wheelchairs. Like I said, the two aren't mutually exclusive. As a disclaimer, I would never buy a Segway for myself, but they are really cool.
As a helicopter mechanic I would be more worried about the helicopter's pilot than about the helicopter's engine...