Easy ways to save on your power bill - please share yours...

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by TimBikes, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. AlexanderAF

    AlexanderAF New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Dayton, Ohio
    Other Non-Hybrid
    1) Shower to rinse to get wet, turn off the shower and lather. Turn the shower back on to rinse off lather.

    2) Install low-flow shower head (range from $12 to $50), and low-flow faucet nozzles. The next time you're at the store, check the flow rates of the nozzles on the back of the packaging. If none, assume it's a higher flow nozzle.

    3) Open the windows to let in fresh air. If warmer outside, lower the blinds. If friggin hot outside, suggest bunking up in the fridge.

    4) Raise blinds to let in natural light rather than using your energy efficient bulbs during the day. They will last longer and save you more turned off!

    5) Install a rainwater collection system for toilets. I can't do this one since I rent! Whenever I get on the roof, the landowner yells at me to get down or she'll call the police.