It's a nice theory, but put it this way: My car pool buddy just got an '08 about 1,100 miles ago & he's struggling to get 45mpg. I've lead hime to all the trick & traps. Still, I can 'feel' his acceleration is heavy. I don't want to nag him ... rather let him get the feel his self. To prove to him, that it is in fact 'him' . . . I've driven his car. No problem doing over 50mpg in his car either, even though it's not broken in. That said ... I'll sweeten the '08 swap for my '04 ... throw in an extra $100. PLEASE let me take your runt off your hands. .
if you don't want to change your driving habits and still want 50mpg+ you need a VW TDI. you can't get them new *yet* so the lack of a warranty was a turn-off for me.
Color me confused...if the gas mileage in the Prius is about 38-40, and the stated mileage for the truck is 16...I don't see what the problem is??He's still getting more than DOUBLE the mileage he would have gotten in the truck...
Can someone here give me advice then? I am not getting over 35 MPG. I don't drive short trips (my commute is 45 minutes), I don't run the AC; I AM in stop-and-go traffic a lot and I probably accelerate pretty fast...but I wouldn't say I drive my Prius "like a sports car". I coast to stops, etc. etc. etc. I was getting 23 MPG consistently, sometimes better, in my BMW Z4, which is right up at EPA standards. What gives?
yup...but you can only glide so much when there is a car 6 feet in front of you for 15 miles. i guess "city" mileage has nothing to do with L.A. Yet....we have the worst Prius markups.
Therein lies your problem, open the gap to 2 seconds minimum. Don't tell me the entire taxi fleet of your city and 5 truck will race into the gap I don't care. Mellow out and open up that gap, why let the clown in front of you determine how you drive?
LOL after reading numerous post on this forum claiming 50+mpg on their daily driven prius, it made me feel like S**T too, but according to actual testing by consumer reports the suggested sticker mpg's are pretty close others that get more MPG either did some slight modifications to their car and/or their driving style
The mods on my car, a 2004 Prius are; 42/40psi in standard tyres shark fin antenna 4 mudflaps GPS mount, hard wired. Currently it has a thin layer of dirt over it (needs a wash) edit; I forgot it has a cheap set of floor mats and lambskin seatcovers on the front seat. My driving style; I'm a red light hater, I'm always the quickest away from them but rarely the first to stop at one, I try to keep the wheels turning. I keep a good gap from the car in front and try to maintain smooth flow in traffic. I maintain a maximum speed about 4km/h above the speed limit. My commute; Across Adelaide from south to north over 34km each way with about 40 sets of traffic lights, yes there are really at least 40 sets. I live on a hill the highest point on my commute is about 200 metres above sea level, the lowest 11 metres and my office is at about 43 metres. Apart from the one 200 metre above sea level hill there are a couple smaller ones but mostly flat. The speed limit ranges from 50km/h on a short section each end and about 9km at 80km/h speed limit and 5 at 70km/h limit. Takes about 50 minutes to cover the 34km. I get between 57 and 59mpg. Did I leave anything out?
Tell ya what I'll do, if the other party brings $5000 cash to the table I'll throw in the bike. That is a real bargain and that price is definitely not available to anyone not swapping cars as above. Also that isn't negotiable.
Excellent advice!!! It took me quite awhile to get to that point but I got there. Just yesterday on congested tollway driving two idiots HAD to zip around me to get 10 feet further in the long line of cars sitting and waiting to move. I still have moments where I want to get out, go rap on their windows and ask, "Do you feel better now? Did that get you closer to home sooner?" But in the Metro Chicago area that's asking for it.
<p>Actually, a bus will probably fill the space . Have you ever driven in LA rush hour (sincere question , no sarcasm intended)? That said, I know plenty of Angelenos with Priuses who face the same kind of traffic and are getting at least 40+ mpg.
When I drive to my City job 3-4 days per week, at 3 miles each way, in cold weather and get just below 40 mpg's, is that REALLY worse than driving 50 miles to work and getting 50-52 mpg's in warm weather?