Lime-ish Yellow? A Taxi with grass stains? Why would ANY body re-paint ANY car THIS color ?? There it sat ... with its Utah plates, but I found this ... this ... color of funk, parked off of Main Street, in downtown Kalispell MT. There it was, day after day ... becoming more and more disturbing to me. As I'd make each trip ... Ace Hardware, trip to the post office ... you name it ... I had to go see if it was still there The Prius Taxis that are out there, are a true yellow, whereas THIS has a tinge of green to it. But why? Could it be left over paint? I think not, as there is nothing in nature, that is such a color ... except some 1963 Lake Superior toxic spills. My Canon SLR didn't do it sufficient injustice, as it was a shady day and much of the green hue diminished. What say you? Is is just me?
I can think of one reason why someone would paint their car that color. It would begin with a driver saying, "But I didn't see your car." And the only answer would be, "How could you not see it?" I felt like saying that when I was plowed into on a sunny morning with my headlights on.
Rascal, are you sure you don't have Utah plates? I'm guessinig the person was color blind. Maybe the color would be ok burried withing 56 million shades of a rainbow, where it wouldn't be so noticable. Ugh, no wonder I'm not hungry
Hill: IMO most car colors are boring....the reason?...they cost less. If it was my world we would open up a box of crayolas and start there! Most cars aren't even colors....remeber when you learned about colors? Remember when yoiur teacher....let's say Mrs Migilicutty (for argument sake)...said "Mr. Hill.....draw me a picture" ? How would you do it with Pine Mica and Grey? Expand you eyes and your mind will follow.....No charge!
i have seen that color and worse on Pri's around here as well. also have seen the safety "lime green" Pri too
The Prius is a unique car, and this is even more unique (OK, I realize "more unique" is an oxymoron, but you know what I mean). I approve.
Do you suppose the plate is a vanity meaning 4 women, 2 men?? Or just a random issue? Or do I read it wrong (I see "4XX2XY")
This is "safety" yellow, increasingly used on fire trucks, emergency vehicles, refuse trucks, ambulances, etc.