the impatience is normal. i've been noticing that more people coast with me.. let off when i do.. coast about as far as me at times. *shrug* it's all starting to get a little greener
The worst is a variation of this: after honking/flashing/flipping me the bird, they will actually pass me, get in front of me, and force me to use my brakes since they are now stopped in front of me, not having timed the light correctly.
Around here, it's usually a Ford F-350 with Confederate flag bumper stickers covering it, and the driver roars its engine to pass me. I just chuckle as I think to myself of the MPG he's getting roaring his engine to life. That, and the Napoleon complex.
"I've driven across 42 states and 7 provinces and I'd never seen driving like that before, except NYC. Just part of the local culture, like everywhere, whatever that culture might be..." In Boston the "beep" from the second car in line at a red signal activates the yellow on the cross street. Saves complexity in the signal controller!
So TRUE!!! They're sometimes super sized too, with the dually rear tires and diesel blow stacks roaring out gray clouds of exhaust. Oh, and the stupid bull balls hanging from the hitch. Arrrrrrrrrgh! They make me mad! , they never coast to a red light! (ime) .
Since I sold my sports car and got my Prius last week I've been driving slower every day, and now I take the slower, slightly longer, more scenic route for the thrill of beating my highest MPG so far. Maybe it's the price of gas ( as much as $1.34/litre today in Ottawa or $1.45 in Montreal; about $5.06-$5.48 per US gallon). Maybe it's something about the Canadian :canada: character or something else that leads us to be more economical and buy fewer gas guzzlers. Some 5 years ago a Canadian survey indicated Canadas "dream car" was a Dodge Caravan, whereas Americans were split over many big and/or expensive vehicles more associated with the American "car culture". But for whatever reason, I haven't been experiencing ANY aggression towards me or my car or lower speed driving habits. I do the speed limit exactly now. I had more agression earlier in the week when driving my Prius at 12+ MPH over, and certainly with the sports car too. Perhaps that "aggression" is competitiveness. Anyway, I'm having fun with all the cop speed traps that pop up in the spring and summer. I slow right down to 5-10 MPH or so, put my flashers on if the cop has somebody and make sure to drive super careful and stare right at the cop as safely as seems reasonable. They have a new rule about not passing an emergency vehicle when lights flashing, so, hey, I'm just trying to keep the cops safe. So far, nobody has dared beep at me or do anything else stupid with the cop right there. Instead of speeding, I now do the "California/Quebec" roll-thru stops. Cops don't seem to bother with that; just speeding. Most cops are wonderful people doing a tough job, but the laws and the ticket quotas are stupid.
I actually think I am starting to see more agressive driving in the Phoenix area. I think people are mad at the fuel prices and taking it out on their car. I guess they don't realize the toll that their behavior is having on their MPG
DANGER! SUV Drivers may be capable of higher order thinking. I had an interaction with a SUV driver today that may be evidence that SUV drivers have more than two functioning neurons. Saturday AM commute, urban divided four lane road, light traffic I'm using a mixed bag of P&G, "roller coastering," etc. Am pretty much alone, but some SUV is approaching FAST from 1/4 mi. behind, catches up when I'm doing posted speed limit (PSL) +10 due downhill no arrows glide, glues himself to my bumper. As I roll up the next hill and transition to P&G, he changes lane, accelerates past, "one fingered salute" flying high. At the next light, I hit the timing just right and roll through at 20 MPH as he accelerates hard and when he catches up, drops in behind me. Then he pulls the Cro-Magnon high speed pull-around, but this time drops into my lane. At the next light the SUV is stopped waiting for the light to turn green in front of me. I want to be in this lane as it has the smoothest passage through a really chopped up road surface. When I'm back about 30 yds the light changes, and I'm in position to slide through at 20 MPH. The clown in the SUV starts forward slowly, everything looks cool, separation is down to 20 yds. Then this clown slams on his brakes, and comes to a complete stop, right in the middle of the intersection, and he's got his head swiveled 180 deg, looking straight at me. I quickly verified there was no traffic in the lane to my right, and then slalomed, right, and then left back into my original lane. Once I was out of the intersection, I stopped, put on my emergency blinker's, and got out of the car. (I have no idea what I intended to do, maybe just cool off. Needless to say I was livid.) The SUV driver then backed up into oncoming traffic, turned left, and screamed off, again with the "one fingered salute" showing proudly, most likely a reference to his IQ. This dilwad had actually figured out how I was timing the lights. Amazing! And to think that right here in Ballamer, pond scum has not only evolved enough to walk upright, but can also drive a vehicle. I wonder if he escaped from some program at Johns Hopkins Lower Lifeform Lab.
hey ROKEBY - take a slow, deep breath and realize that MORON's IQ is two points shy of BEANDIP and was probably jealous that you drive a car that's worth TWICE or now probably THRICE the value of his SUV. rest assured - we're smarter, save more money and they're all just envious...........have a nice cold one, relax and cheers. on a personal matter, i'm envious that you drive a TOURING!! wish i had one.
In my first 300 miles, I think what's most important is taking your foot off the accelerator whenever you go downhill. Let it coast. It's amazing how much of your driving around town and the suburbs is downhill. Of course, there is an uphill usually associated with a downhill. The Prius actually makes you want to go slower, since you are watching the consumption screen all the time and are thinking gas mileage. A healthy attitude change other drivers could benefit from.
Re: DANGER! SUV Drivers may be capable of higher order thinking. I think you're right on all accounts. ZC1
I think we all learned this in the first few miles of driving the Prius. I would point one one item: "there is an uphill usually associated with a downhill." there is an uphill always associated with a downhill. What goes down must have gone up. The uphill may have been last week, but to go down you must go up first. Bob