Date Ordered: May 16, 2008 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Round Rock, TX Timeframe given for delivery: 6-8 weeks (on May 16th) Color: Metallic Grey, Barcelona Red Option Package: 2 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: 35 (as of June 2)
Is the 6-8 weeks an updated time? What were you originally told? I put my name on the RR waiting list a few days after you & was told I was in the 20s (nothing more exact). Was told at the time it could take anywhere from a few weeks (very unlikely) to a few months. I requested a touring, package 3, in either magnetic gray or spectra blue.
I just updated my info above. RR Toyota told me they get anywhere from 3-7 cars a week, so it could be 5-10 weeks based on that. My salesman was hesitant to give me an estimated delivery time just because of the worldwide demand for the Prius. Its really amazing. I'll keep this updated as I get more info.
Ordered a Touring Model, Package 6 on April 21st. My salesman hasn't been able to tell me a thing as of middle of May. This could be a long wait.
Hmmm, interesting. I got on the RR waiting list on 5/21 and was told they had about "20 to 25" people on it. I emailed my salesperson yesterday asking for an update. We'll see if she responds & what the word is. Either way, I know this is going to be a waiting game... Definitely keep updating this post & we'll see how we net out.
You heard back yet? I hate to call my sales guy each week with an update. Perhaps you could call on the 9th to see where you are, then I'll call on the 16th and we can get a feel for how fast the cars are coming in?
On Tues or Wed my salesperson told me I've moved up several places, but I'm still not exactly sure where I am on the list. It doesn't make sense that I'd be ahead of you though, so I hope you're really not #35. One of us must have been given the wrong info. Let's hope mine is right, because that would mean you're very near the front. (What are the odds?) I don't think there's anything wrong with calling/emailing your salesperson weekly, though I agree I hate to be a pest. But then, they have my money, so... Hope you get good news next week!
Called again this morning to find out Round Rock Toyota is up to 105 orders!!! They are going through the allocations now to find out who gets their car and I'm gonna get a call later today or tomorrow.
**105**?? Suddenly I'm feeling like 12, 20 or even 35 isn't so bad... I'll check back here later to see if you have any news & will let you know if I hear anything as well.
i think most dealers get their allocations every two weeks and then go down their list to match car with owner. in between allocations there is not much new info. so i would find out when their allocations come in ,how many they usually get and where you are on the list. check every few weeks to make sure you are making progress up the list, as you get to be #10 or so it might be worthwhile to call after every allocation .
No call Monday. No call yesterday. So far no call today. I thought waiting 8 weeks would be no problem..hell, its only been 4 so far. I need to just chill out.
6 to 8 weeks!! Some of us waited that many months a few years ago. I was on 3 waiting lists and prepared to fly 600 miles to pick up my Prius. Luckily a broker was able to find one in Oregon and had it shipped up to me only 4 months after I got on the first waiting list.
Hello: I ordered mine in very late April and had it delivered 12 days later. It came from Toyota of Richardson. I say call and ask for Nate and tell him I sent you. That is surely a long wait. I have the Barcelona Red 08 with Package 2. I LOVE my Prius!
Toyota of Richardson is the only dealership that tried to charge me a 'market adjustment' above MSRP, so I chose not to do business with them.
Salesman called today my car was in. When I got to the dealer and looked at it Silver PKG 2. I decided to pass on it and go for the Touring PKG 2. I've got to go back this afternoon and change my deposit from the one that's there to the one that's not. Handling and braking are better with the Touring; and worth giving up a couple of MPGs to me. ANY OPINIONS Fred
This is a post about order tracking, specifically in Texas. I'd check the boards for other posts about touring/non-touring - there are a lot out there.
I called Round Rock Toyota this morning to see whats up. My salesman said that all the allocations for this two week period have been assigned and that I'm moving up the list. (Gee, thanks for the detailed info!) He said that nothing would change until the first week of July when the new allocations are assigned. Tom Petty said it right: "Yeah the waiting is the harrrrrrrrdest part"
Well well well...look what we have here. My Prius is arriving July 10th! About 7 weeks. Hooray! Anyone wanna buy a 98 Jeep?
Yay! Well, you got on the waiting list five days ahead of me, so maybe this means I won't be too far behind you. (Fingers crossed.) Yeah, if you know of anyone locally who wants an '02 VW Passat wagon, send 'em my way...