If so please ask Yahoo to create a mechanism for re-opening "resolved questions" whose answers are demonstrably wrong. The Prius connection, as you might guess, is a question about whether hybrids are worth buying, cos' they're so unreliable and expensive to repair: Considering maintenance and repair, are hybrid cars worth buying? - Yahoo! Answers
I don't think Yahoo states anywhere you will get the correct answer. That one is so far off from reality that all Yahoo Answers are now suspect to me. :shocked:
I like Yahoo answers ... as long as the unknowledgable people don't cloud the waters with their "uh, I don't know what the heck you are talking about" comments. I'll take a look at what you are asking and see if there is a way to contact Yahoo. I know that Yahoo is normally very open to user feedback.
I did a little searching on yahoo answers for "gm volt" and here's the question and the best answer. "Do u think GM will make a Killing if they release the Volt Concept next year?" Best Answer - Chosen by Asker "If history repeats itself, GM will in fact sell them as fast as they can make them for a short period of time, but if prices don't come down, we can expect them to rule the market for a long time. The Volt isn't for everyone when it comes to style, but no one thought the iron horse would survive either. I think the situation we are all faced with now will dictate what we all will be driving, and it will be swift. When it comes to losing your home, or paying for gas, I think people will keep their home, and the Volt will sell like hot cakes. Glad to add my 2 cents worth!!! 3 months ago" I wonder if Asker will pay for gas and lose his home waiting for the Volt? Jerry