Hi guys, I bought the official EV button off Sigma Automotive, and I have no clue how to install it. Can anyone help? I have a 2008 Prius. I've installed lockpick before with no problems, so I think I can handle it, I just need to know how! Any help would be appreciated.
Start here: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...1-kb-ev-button-installation-instructions.html search this site and google for "OEM EV button installation" and you'll find more details including info on how to tap into your dimmer to power the back-light. This is a bit more involved than your lockpick, but it's doable.
nevermind, the link doesn't work to the pdf.... try this one: http://www.calcars.org/prius-evbutton-install.pdf
Thanks efusco, I had seen these links before, but I wasn't sure if they were apt. Will that PDF on installing a switch on a 2004 Prius work for installing the sigma button on a 2008? Thanks again.
The basic install is identical for any sort of EV switch. You tap pin 14 and connect it to a momentary switch....you just bought a fancy momentary switch that happens to match the car. So yea, the first part of the install will be to tap pin 14 and run your wires over to the knock outs where the button goes just as in my original PDF. Next you need to reference Darell's web page for how to connect the button to the dimmer to get it to light up and to ground it.