Has anyone here in the Chicago area/Suburbs had their windows tinted and would recommend the shop they went to?? The place I called and got a quote from, and the place that tinted my husband's cars a few days ago is in Chicago Heights, Rainbow Auto Glass, and they only have 5%, 20%, and 35% and do either a smoke or film. They don't have the 100% metallic Llumaar colorless tint that I want for the front side windows, so I am going to pass on this place.. If you have tinted your windows and are happy with the job they did can you give me the info on the shop please... Thanks,
Showtime Audio on North AVE and Elston.......The owner is a great guy, really makes sure things are perfect before he oks the job Showtime Audio 2008
Josh, Thanks for this info, do you know how many different brands of tint they have and how much did it cost for your car to get tinted?, I was hoping others in the area would have posted but maybe nobody else in our area has had their windows tinted.. I am still trying to find a few places to compare to each other on brands of tint and prices. Is there anybody else in the Chicago area that can suggest a place?? The place in Chicago Heights seems kinda low quality and when I asked if they had ceramic tint they did not know what I was talking about.. this leds me to believe they really don't know their tinting very well.