This is my first post, and I want to start off with a thank-you to all who have posted before. You have helped me, made me think, and in some cases entertained me! Thanks! Back on topic. Has anyone ever messed with the front wiper controls? Would sure like to find a way to tap into the wiring...and add a foot switch. I envision a momentary contact switch that causes the wipers to make a one swipe stroke. Hold the switch and get more than 1 swipe. I had an Opal Ralley Kadette that had one of these in it...and loved it. It was mounted on the left side of the driver's foot well, up high. When the semi blew the winshield was a quick jab with the left foot and I could see again. Never had to take my hands off the wheel. I think in a box out in the shop the switch exists...'because I remember I removed it before I said a permanent goodbye to the Opal. I will get the schematic, and go looking for the circuit I need (unless someone has bee there before) and figure out a way...are any of you interested in a how to?
You don't have remove hands from steering wheel to pulse wipers.. just move wiper control arm up once. it should cycle wiper for one swipe.
Yeah, that's percisely the circuit I'm looking to piggy-back into. I do understand that If I used the "proper" (what is it...10 and 2) hand position, all I would have to do is move the wiper control up, and that sorta keeps my hand on the wheel...but I am a bit un-orthodox on the highway with hand position... I have to tell you that I really grew to love that foot switch..
Has anyone tried to jerry rig the wipers to actually go faster? The fastest setting is still a little slow. It hardly keeps up with the hard rainfalls. Sorry for not answering your question PNEWCOMB1. Scruge said what I would have.