I have been reading various threads about Scangauge 2 etc, but was windering if anyone has hooked up any other diagnostic, Laptop based software? If so, what cable and what software did you use and what value did you get out of it? Just want to Play . . :juggle:
I don't think it's that easy, as there are something like 10 different computers on board, not one central computer with an easy to 'play' gui. I could be way wrong though, and if that's the case, I'm curious too!
Hi Chris, What I am trying to do is just connect ,my laptop to the port that the ScanGuage II connects to, to pull additional data. There are plenty different applications that will read the data if you have the right 16 port connector, just wondering what software people recommend
oh, I see, kinda like do what the scanguage does but with software on your laptop? Not sure if this is it, but I've seen 'can-view' mentioned on PC. .
Most scantool software programs will give you vast amounts of information, but are designed for professional auto techs. Not exactly as useful and user friendly as the ScanGauge. Auto Enginuity makes an enhanced Toyota PC interface for the CAN protocol.
Hi bullet..., There are two PC based CAN scaner programs. I am using the "mycanscan" which has been ported to linux, but was originally done for a Zaurus. Attila Vass (google Attila Prius ) wrote this software, and it was ported to Linux by Peter Astrand. Peter set it up to work on the EEE PC ( ASUS | Eee PC ), there is a sourcforge page. I am using the EEE PC MYCANSCAN. It uses a CANUSB ( CANUSB - The Low cost CAN to USB converter ). One nice thing about this software is it has a braking efficiency indicator. Which does help improve recovered energy. Here is a link to the thread here on PC http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/41400-mycanscan-graphcan-eee-pc.html . The EEE PC uses all solid state memory, so, its fine bouncing around on the dash of the car, where I use mine. There will be a windows EEE PC with a new 9 inch screen available shortly. Mine is a 7 inch "Surf" model (2 GB of ram). Ken1784 from Japan has been distributing Beta ware of a Windows PC can scanning tool. Here is a link http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-t...prius-can-monitor-data-logger-windows-pc.html . Oh, these are just scanners, I am not sure if they can read or reset the error codes.
It's a long tedious path, but totally worth it! If you can get the touch screen going, a PC in the car is almost natural! VGA->Scan converter->(RGBS)->Can View->MFD Note that this only works on the base model MFD. There are alternatives to the can view, but it's what I use.... The 06+ Nav enabled prii use something called GVIF. There are apparently converter boxes for this, but since I have an '05, I haven't researched this much.
Yes: Magentic Loop Probe Motor Generator Probe I gained insights to how the MGs work. Later, I picked up a Graham scanner and have a couple hundred megabytes of recorded data that I use for performance analysis. The list is a little long. Did you have a specific area of interest? Bob Wilson