I just picked up my Prius on monday. I wanted to get sirius installed from the dealer but they told me that you need the receiver and the harness and it will cost over $500 plus however long it takes them to install it. Is the sirius kit that is in Prius Shop all you need, or do you still need to buy the harness? Thanks in advance.
It is, however, that's the "old" kit. The newer package is the SC-C1 tuner with the TOY-SC1 adapter. This is cheaper and gets better reception.
Thanks alanh. If I buy the toy-sc1 and the sc-c1 will the dealer install it for me? Also will i be able to use the steering wheel controls with sirius? What is the difference between doing this or just buying the one from the dealer?
The dealer probably won't install it, but you can have any stereo shop do it. The steering wheel and MFD controls work with the SCC1/TOYSC1 combo. The only difference between it and the factory unit is the up/down buttons change stations by one channel; the factory unit changes between presets.
PriusNJ, Never buy add ons from a "Stealership", it will always cost you more. Read this thread it has all the information you need. It sure helped me. http://priuschat.com/forums/audio-electronics/39623-new-sirus-satellite-radio-options.html
Thanks so much for all the info. I was amazed when I asked the dealership how much it would cost to install sirius. I just ordered the scc1 and toy-sc1. Cant wait to get it installed, especially since it will be less then half the price the dealership was asking for. Thanks again guys.
I installed mine a month ago. I am not very handy but following the PriusChat forum instructions I could not believe how easy it was. The only tricks not mentioned was a big wire harness behind the vent between the glove box and the radio does not unplug, it unscrews with two screws. Also, I needed a credit card size mirror to get the plug into the back of the radio as I could not do it by feel. Last, I did not bother with the rear spoiler mount. I just stuck it between the antenna and rear window running the wire under the roof panel the the passanger side trim.
I am not very handy and I know if I try to do it myself I will just ruin the car so I will let the dealer do it for me, unless you want to come to Baton Rouge and do it for me.
PriusNJ, It is easier than you think. Don't let a "Stealership" touch your car! If you really insist on not doing it yourself, then get an audio place, Best Buy or Circuit City to do the job. But not a Car Dealership, as they will charge you way more than the job should cost.