EMF and key FOB drain - possible?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by eurosteve, May 4, 2008.

  1. eurosteve

    eurosteve Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Watkins Glen, New York
    2008 Prius

    I posted this odd question under "technical discussion" because my hope is that someone will seriously consider my situation and give a thoughtful response, rather than dismissing this out of hand. I'm hoping that some engineer type will consider this.

    I have a two-way key fob for my wireless home alarm system (Ingrid) and I've just had my second one go bad in 2 months - since I got my Prius a little over 2 months ago. The symptom is battery drain to the point where it will only operate right next to the receiving console unit. ( I sent the original one back to the manufacturer and the same thing happened with the new one.) I posted on this 6 weeks or so ago when the first fob went bad and I thought maybe the Prius fob was somehow effecting the alarm fob. Now I'm wondering about whether the Electromagnetic field created within the Prius might somehow be effecting the fob. You all probably saw the recent article about EMF's created in the Prius - and that gave me this idea.

    It is most likely that there is some sort of flaw within these key fobs and their demise has nothing to do with the Prius but - my wife also has one of these key fobs and it is doing fine - and she drives an Audi.

    So what do you think, is it possible?
  2. ZC1

    ZC1 Junior Prius Owner

    Apr 18, 2008
    Metro Detroit
    2008 Prius
    My first inclination is: During FOB storage, either in your pocket, briefcase or wherever, one of the buttons is occasionally being held down.

    I have a situation where I'm always hearing my car lock/unlock and arm/unarm because my car key FOB in my pocket is pressing something. I need to change it's default habits.

    As a test, you could make no changes to how you store your home FOB, but rather, change your FOB battery then swap it with your wifes. Do that for a week or so, it may have something to do with you as opposed to the Prius itself.

    The Prius cable voltage EMF is extremely low (which halves in power for each doubling of an equal distance) and I don't know that the Prius has any transmitters other than the Garage door opener (Homelink).

    Try the FOB swap, see what happens.

  3. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    ZC1, the Prius has SKS transponders if the car is so equipped.

    I'm a little confused, Steve, about which fob is failing, the Ingrid alarm fob or the Prius key fob? If it's the Ingrid fob, try replacing the battery, so you know it's fresh, and storing it in an Altoids tin when it's in your Prius. The tin box should provide sufficient shielding from any stray EMF or RF in the car.

    I'm not familiar with the Ingrid system. Is it passive, like the Prius SKS system, so the security arms and disarms based on proximity, or do you have to press a button to actively change state? If it's active, there seems to be little chance that an external signal is somehow triggering it to be active and drain its battery, but putting it in a metal box to shield it won't hurt.
  4. eurosteve

    eurosteve Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Watkins Glen, New York
    2008 Prius
    Thanks for you ideas. When the house alarm key fob failed the first time about 6 weeks ago, I replaced the battery and the unit didn't work with the new battery. It might have worked for the first few days, I've forgotten. I could replace the battery in this one and see what happens. And I could do the switch with my wife's fob to see what happens. I guess if the fob doesn't work with a fresh battery, then the issue isn't the battery at all...

    Just to clarify, it's the Ingrid fob that fails. It requires you to press a button to activate or inactivate the alarm. BUT after you press the button to activate or inactive, the fob listens for a confirming response from the alarm system. The fob makes little beep sounds and the led flashes when you send the signal to the alarm system and when a return, confirmatory signal is received back from the alarm system. With that in mind, I wonder it the Prius keyless entry system is sending a signal to the Ingrid fob that is drawing some power. Along those same lines, could the EMF in the Prius (or the keyless entry) also influence the alarm through that listening mode (in the Ingrid fob) to draw down the power?

    Thanks again for thinking this through with me...
  5. ZC1

    ZC1 Junior Prius Owner

    Apr 18, 2008
    Metro Detroit
    2008 Prius
    At least swaping the key fob with the wife may rule out or reveal a defective key fob and putting the home fob in an altoids tin while in the car may prove an EMF problem.
    Never combine the tests, it makes the problem more vague.

    I don't have the frequency information on the Prius SKS system.
  6. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    If the house fob requires a button push before activation it is not actively listening for a signal, in which case the Prius fob will not cause it to drain. The Prius fob is passive and does not radiate until it hears a signal, although it can confuse other RF as a signal from the car.

    Are you hearing beeps from the house fob at random times?

    Try trading your fob with your wife's fob, since hers is known to be good.

  7. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Wasn't there a known issue with the Prius SKS fob and Shell SpeedPass?
  8. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Yea, I think they fixed it though as I've not seen a single mention of the issue since the early '04s.
  9. eurosteve

    eurosteve Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Watkins Glen, New York
    2008 Prius
    I'm not hearing any activity from the Ingrid fob. I'll have to swap with my wife. This will confirm that something about being with me is causing a problem with the fob - rather than my having gotten 2 defective Ingrid fobs. Thanks for the ideas.
  10. tmanson

    tmanson Geetar-playin' Traveler

    Nov 7, 2007
    Frederick, MD
    2008 Prius
    I have a couple comments Steve.
    I heard recently that keeping a cell phone in an RF-thight environment (like a metal filing cabinet or desk) will cause it to drain faster than normal because ti is always searching for its RF source. I don't know whether your Ingrid fob does this or not, but it might be worth consideration.

    I can also imagine that a good test is separating the Ingrid from the Prius fob just to see if the battery in the Ingrid last longer (this may have already been discussed and I just missed it). It sounds like another good test is what you just proposed - trading with your wife to see if that makes a difference.

    On the subject of acronyms (unrelated to the Ingrid drain problem): Years ago back in engineering school the term EMF stood for Electro-Motive Force (or voltage). Fields were more commonly referred to by other terms (flux etc.) and their impact on on their enviroment as EMI/EMC (Electro-magnetic Interference/Electro-Magnetic Compatability). However it appears that the recent advent of the metaphysicists (or whomever) have cause fields to be more well known and redefined EMF as the term you are using. It sure caught me by surprise. I guess I am getting too old. :)
  11. eurosteve

    eurosteve Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Watkins Glen, New York
    2008 Prius
    Thanks. It's hard to separate the two by any great distance. I could try putting the Ingrid fob in an Altoids tin - as ZC1 has suggested. (Now where did I put that tin?) That would be pretty easy... But I don't know if that would lead to the cell phone in the file drawer problem. It will probably be a while before I can write back with any news on this because I will be out of town shortly for a few weeks...
  12. ZC1

    ZC1 Junior Prius Owner

    Apr 18, 2008
    Metro Detroit
    2008 Prius

    Is there any resolution about this issue?

    I suggested the wife FOB swap, while Bill suggested the Altoids tin test.

  13. eurosteve

    eurosteve Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Watkins Glen, New York
    2008 Prius
    Just back from vacation. Haven't swapped with my wife or isolated the Igrid FOB in a tin (can't find it, must buy one). I did notice that the FOB is doing much better after it's vacation from the Prius. I also have been wondering if the Prius "key" has been affecting the Ingrid FOB so I've been keeping them in separate pockets. So, I do plan to try one of the suggested experiments- probably the FOB in the tin. A confound to the switching with my wife suggestion is that now with increased gas prices, my wife and I are commuting together more now. So, the FOB still would end up in the Prius alot.

    I will report back when I've got something to report. Thanks again, Steve
  14. _echo

    _echo Junior Member

    Jun 1, 2005
    Orange County
    If you're worried about interference between the two, try to see if they're on the same frequency (product documentation, etc.) You can tell when the fob transmits, since the red LED on the fob will light up. AFAIK, the prius dosen't have a 'retry' mechanism. It just dosen't let you in!

    Prius Tx (from car to fob) is at 134.12KHz, OOK
    Dummy me actually stuck an antenna in the car and looked for it on a spectrum analyzer. Turns out you can just look at the red label on the transponder. (look in the trunk, next to the spare!)

    Fob Tx (from fob to car) is 312.15 MHz, FM. There's a lot of data in them packets too!

    As for RF immunity... The fob seems to handle DCEP arc welding at 80-90A just fine. Note that the cable went right across the fob! And the welder was one of those nasty, high ripple pseudo DC inverters! I was actually worried about this, but it seemed to take it without any detrimental effects. Then again, this stuff _SHOULD_ work correctly....
  15. eurosteve

    eurosteve Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Watkins Glen, New York
    2008 Prius
    Thanks for the frequency information. I'll do some homework on the Ingrid FOB.

    I did find a tin to put the FOB in. It's some sort of metal case for sunglasses (Fossil brand I think). Anyway it should do the job for now. When I leave the house, after I set the house alarm, the FOB goes into the metal case and it isn't removed until I get home from work.

    Would aluminum foil perform the same function in terms of shielding the FOB?
