Nothing too new here for those that have been following. Check the link out below, hope it works. It is the last video from June 9th at 6:30. BNN Video Player On the Canadian front appears there might be interesting news from Quebec soon, hopefully the start of legalizing it in Canada or perhaps manufacturing the CityZenn there. Finally some mention of talking with the Big Auto makers... hopefully Toyota. I wonder if the plant closures GM has made may have to do with them retrofitting to produce something like this? One can only hope. Check it out!
Built in Canada but cant buy in Canada yet. Pity... (But Quebec soon ?) $16,000 energy: 1 cent per mile. max speed: 40 KMH (25 MPH) I'm looking to maybe get an EV for my wife within the next few years, but 40 KMH won't cut it around here, IMO. Semi-rural area speed limit on our street is 70 KMH (43 MPH) so we'd need at least that IMO. A few teenagers drive mini motorbikes around here that only go up to 30 MPH or so, and that's dangerous, but they also drive at night with no lights. (!!) I guess it'd be completely legal to drive 30-40 KMH on 70 KMH streets, but I'm sure plenty of other drivers will get pretty ticked and hate the cars. Then again, the higher oil goes, the fewer people are getting ticked. I'm surprised I haven't even been beeped at yet for driving the speed limit the last 2 weeks.
That is the Zenn you are talking about it seems. The new, vague on tech details, is the CityZenn which is highway capable, can be recharged in under 5 min and go 400kmon a charge.... so they say. Very interesting... but they wont say anything about EEStore. Thats totally understandable though.. why would you want to tell anyone your secret?