There have been many topics about the "bell the hybrid act," but does anyone realize Toyota has been working on a solution for years? Here is a news article about their advanced traffic control system. It seems if the US government wants to blame Toyota for making the Prius quiet, or place restrictions on these cars, they should at least look into the technololgy Toyota can offer to solve many of the common situations that occur to drivers that end in disaster. There are enough topics devoted to other solutions, but I'd like to see everyone's reaction to Toyota's work. Article One: News article about their Intelligent Transport System Website: General Safety Site for future innovations The thing I noticed when in Japan is intense attention to detail when it comes to the safety of the public and of workers. Their are already safety features offered for deaf and blind people at all pedestrian crossings in the city. They already have all the bells and whistles over there, why can't that be brought over here? Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this yet, so If it has been noted, please disregard this post.
If only Toyota didn't put so much effort into eliminating all the noises the early pre production prototypes made. When they were testing the drive line in the early days they could only get on the test track at night. Toyota had dorms in its main testing facility and the testing of Prius was secret even withing Toyota. The moaning and wailing noises from the test track at night made people thing the facility was haunted, as people couldn't hear engine noises they didn't know the test track was being used and no Toyota had ever made such a noise. A lot of effort went into eliminating that and other noises.
Yah, I know... I made a sarcastic and somewhat inappropriate comment because I realized I wasn't in Fred's and decided to delete it.
Noise is an indicator of friction, waste and inefficiency- the Detroit design process where oil is substituted for knowledge. Enter Prius, where Toyota engineers focused on detail, including emissions and quiet. A solution is for other cars and trucks to be more efficient and quiet so that pedestrians realize most vehicles are quiet and listen for the sound of rolling tires on pavement.
They may not make them for the Prius yet, but I am planning to get a beeping backup light. We have a lot of small kids on our block, and maybe it will get their attention. My son-in-law was driving the Prius and was stopped at a light. A couple walked in front on the car and the guy commented that "Look at this guy, he thinks he saving fuel by turning off his engine at stop lights". LOL
I'm surprised how few people realize I'm behind them in parking lots. They walk right out in front of me without looking. Many times they never realize I've been there. To honk would be rude so I creep along. The ICE never comes on and sometimes they just stop in the lane and chat. Has anyone else found to be true?
Not Toyota's solution, but another one...with potential. Vibering concept protects blind from those silent killers called hybrids - Autoblog
You can make a car make all the noise you want, it is worth remembering the driver needs to take all due care regardless of how GM th... oops I mean rattly their car is.
+1 That scratchy grumbling noise in the video is just dumb and makes the car sound like a clunker piece of garbage. At least play some music or something like that. Besides, how would you ever hear if the car was making a noise out of the ordinary (squeaky brakes?) if you were required to have that noisemaker going all the time?