Does anyone know if the mud guards sold in the PC shop include all the mounting hardware and instructions? I want to order them and send two emails in the past week asking there but have not received a reply. Has anyone had a problem with an order there?
Hi OlandoGuy, I orderd mud guards for my 08 Prius from the PC store and received them within 1 week. They are on my car and easy to install. Instructions & mounting hardware (screws) are provided with the product and they are clearly marked L-R/F-R.. They fit the car nicely and will provide protection from the washback that will occur in the area of your wheel wells. They are a good investment.. Go for it...
Does SET mean South East Toyota?? I got my Prius new at Central Florida Toyota and do not have the mud guards
agreed! great add-on, fairly easy to install. for easiest access - fully-turn the front wheels and remove the rear wheels - one at a time obviously...
I just had a set dropped off by UPS today. Bought them last week on eBay from Daytona Toyota for $44.20 total. Parts are marked,instructions and all hardware included. Mud flaps have made in Canada on them! Hooray! Not made in China!!
all Southeast Toyota cars are supposed to come with them std. My decal on the car that had the options and prices etc even says that. I did get charged $128 for them btw. It also came with towing, loaner rental cars and the paint protection pkg. all said they are SET standard.
The flaps are an easy install. I did mine a few weeks ago and they really keep the car cleaner! I also got mine from the Priuschat shop. Just email them if you have any questions. Danny does a great job. He's always gotten back to me within a day or two tops. Check your email address carefully.
My Prius, a SET car did not come with the mud guards. It came with the bumper protector. Guess they have a couple of different offerings. to the Prius Shop to place the order. Thanks Everyone!
Perhaps that's why the Prius comes standard with them in Canada. Gotta get something extra when the base price is $29,500... ! BTW, they could be made by ethnic Chinese in Canada... or beavers.
Received my yesterday from Metro Toyota and installed them myself in about an hour. Only hard part was the rear (had to take the wheel off to put the last screw in. Otherwise, clean install and looks sharp.
I received an Accessories Guide in the mail from Sandy Springs Toyota offering the mudflaps for $36.11 installed. This seems really low. Did anyone receive a similar offer from a dealer after a recent purchase?
Just received them in the mail today. Super fast shipping...Thanks PriusShop!! Now I just have to wait till the weekend when I have time to install them.
Mudguards (or splashguards) are not standard for SET. The Prius I'm waiting on has them installed as an option for $129.