ZC1 has empowered me to make the decision. Hence, I decided that Pat in Adelaide is the winner, since he responded first, is a good guy, and has the good taste to have the same given name as me! Pat, please post your photo within 24 hours of this writing. Thanks!
Well, as long as I won't be seen as capitalizing on another's misfortune (or tiredness), I'll see what I can come up with. This connector is found on a 2001. It may be left disconnected without producing any DTCs. Where is it and what is its purpose? -Chap
I'm wavering between engine compartment headlight connector or an inside door power window/locks connector. Since I can only see the inside of the connector, it does increase the difficulty of identification. ZC1
power window/locks connector has more prongs if i remember correctly, but it could be disconnected without throwing out a code indeed. there are quite a few connectors that can be disconnected without resulting in a code, but i don't have a photographic memory. lol. taillight group connector?
Anyone who has tried the reasonable tack of trying to spot its fairly distinctive shape in section K of the EWD has probably been disappointed (as I was) to find that it is not included at all. However, its three siblings are shown (exactly where you would expect them to be). The interesting shape of this connector shell (the rectangle with the rounded portion at the left in the pic) is like absolutely nothing shown in section K. -Chap
Zoomed out for another hint. (Two other related connectors are just out of the photo to the left. I don't mean the mating connectors to these.) -Chap
[interjection] Wow, what an absolutely brilliant thread game, ZC1! I've not a clue on any of the guesses, but it's a blast to listen in, anyway! Learning a lot too. [/interjection] Please proceed!
It is in the dashboard on the drivers side so it may be the connectors for the switches around the MFD.
Lacking access to the EWD, here is my guess: This is a wiring harness connector to the EMPS ECU. Its purpose is to serve as one of four harness connectors that connect the ECU to the steering shaft torque sensor, steering motor, power, and datalink.
oh... foam sleeving. this is definitely in the dash. i'm not too savvy to gain from the other clues (like the shape).
Everyone; Try not to be thrown off the horse as the rules state: The poster can say anything they want with the post, true or untrue. I intentionally misled with a "thumb lever" remark, but I made the photo rather easy to figure out. ChapmanF's photo is much harder, perhaps he's telling the truth, perhaps he's mixing in some doubt. ZC1.
On ChapmanF's photo, I've seen the foam covering on interior and engine compartment items alike. It is usually used to keep the connector from rattling against something, which may well be found in the dash. (why didn't I photograph my dash when installing the Lockpick?) If he's telling the truth, it has 3 siblings (a total of 4), so one place needing 4 connectors is the tail lights, but 5 flat pin connectors would not be needed for a simple light. Hmmm.... ZC1 I'm not sure if that connector looks the same on a 2008 model.
patsparks: the switches around the MFD (center cluster switches) use connector C7. (The hazard/odometer buttons use H7 and H8.) Patrick: the EMPS ECU uses E3, E4, E5, and E6. ZC1: taillights use R6 and R7. I doubt the mystery connector looks the same on a 2008. -Chap
What is it: It's a connector that leads to the transmission from the cabin. What is it's purpose: It provides the gear shifter knob detent position information to the transmission. (by my answer, you can tell I'm so old school)
Not so old-school really; there is such a connector (though it really leads to the HV ECU, not out of the cabin). Unfortunately, that connector is P1. (And who would have thought it takes 9 wires, 3 of them in a shielded cable, just to tell the HV ECU whether you're in P R N D or B? Weird.) -Chap