I don't know, bhaynnes, are you? It's ironic that those who judge ('people who want to outlaw guns are fruitcakes') are always quick to think that they're being judged. I know some tree-huggers who are fruitcakes and I know some gun owners who are fruitcakes. I also know tree-huggers and gun owners who aren't. I guess it depends on what you define as being fruitcake material but that term, and others like it, are usually used to dismiss people who one disagrees with, without bothering to try to understand their point of view.
Mr Sparks would have firstly not lived where people carry guns around the streets on a daily basis and secondly would have ducked for cover then call the police not initiated a gun fight. His third action if property damage was extensive would be to call his insurance company.
The problem in this case wasn't the homeowner with a firearm, but a CRIMINAL (ACTIVELY commiting a crime) with a firearm. Also Mr Sparks must be wonderful at his chosen career if his first thought on confronting a perpetrator is to hide. Oh and let us know when the insurance company just hands you a check for the 50 or 60 so dollars involved for the gas. Thank God that we are still free to be men here in the United States of America. I'll take care of my own problems, just like the person mentioned in this article, especially considering law enforcement's average response time in rural areas.
My Insurance Company has no problem whatsoever paying off a $50-$60 claim. It takes place immediately after I pay the $500 deductable and they jack up my rates. Wildkow
Thieves should be hung. (Conan) Perhaps the gasoline thief should be doused with the product and placed in vicinity of an open flame. One of the reasons there is so much crime in the US is because we tolerate it.
I agree but he should get a fair trial first. I'm not sure $50 to $60 worth of gas is worth risking killing a man for. What is the level of theft we need to shoot people at? $10? $20? Why not shoot people who just ask for money in the street? That would reduce the incidence of begging. Policy in my job is, if someone looks to be getting violent is to walk away, it isn't worth losing mobility or a life over a traffic offence. We work in pairs and endeavour to obtain ID of the driver and all other information we can but if we feel threatened we walk away. We are taught self defence techniques but I work without any sort of weapon, no gun no batten, no spray no tazer, just me a note book and a pen, and a 3 cell mag-lite at night. I don't want any weapons while I work thanks, girly stuff. People who have guns get shot, see post #1. Oh by the way, people who threaten me in my employment are charged with assault and go through the court system, I am not qualified to judge them or issue sentence and I don't want to live my life having killed or permanently disabled anyone thanks, not even a crook. I am sorry to hear some people on here have such tight financial situations that $60 worth of gas is going to cause financial hardship. And some of these people have served in the armed forces, what a shame the people of your great nation don't look after their ex military like they do here. Oh, I forgot, there is no such thing as an ex marine. I said if damage is extensive. Oh and my insurance excess (deductable) is $250 and my premium discount is protected so it doesn't go up if I claim. With all those guns to protect yourselves how can there be any crime?
Mr. Sparks is alive, and able to have second and third thoughts about how wonderful it is to be alive, unlike legions of now horizontal "real men" whose first (and last) thought when confronted with an armed perpetrator was not to hide but to escalate the confrontation. This country would be improved immeasurably if its quota of "real men" stopped using their sub-abdominal "heads" as surrogate brains, leading them to think casting rude insult ("...wonderful at his chosen career...") and misogyny ("...free to be men here...") are redeeming qualities.
IF you are speaking of the property owner's actions, the article states that the thieves pointed a rifle at him. If I were in his shoes, they would need the coroner's van, not an ambulance. If they were on his property and stealing anything in FL, the homeowner has the right to hold them at gunpoint. Any threats by the criminal where the homeowner believes he is danger, can be countered with deadly force.
And if you are outside with a gun, especially at night, even on your own property, and if a cop sees you (perhaps he got a "gun call") and feels he is threatened, you could end up shot by the cops, and in many cases the cops will get off of any charges. And even if they don't get charged, you'll be just as shot or dead as if they did. Anyway, I'm a believer in gun rights, although I've never owned one, but they MUST be used carefully and in moderation IMO, Too many people hurt themselves or loved ones, instead of protecting them. Me, I'd prefer to "tase" them with some HV from the Prius. Now where are the "Praser" mods....
Yes ago I was having an ongoing battle with raccoons, who had decided my house was a delightful place to live and raise families. I like wildlife in general and raccoons specifically, but there is a limit to my hospitality. I had reached and passed that limit. Late one night I awoke to the sound of a raccoon party on the roof, right outside of our bedroom. I grabbed a high powered air rifle, ran downstairs, went outside, and climbed a ladder to the roof. I only saw one raccoon, but he was going to be a dead raccoon if I had my way. He had other ideas and went up the chimney and down the flue. In a quick moment of sleep fogged brilliant thinking I decided to flush him out with smoke. I climbed back down the ladder, carrying the rifle, ran inside, opened the damper, and put a piece of burning newspaper into the fireplace. It worked, but by the time I retraced my steps and climbed back to the roof, carrying the rifle, all I saw was a raccoon butt disappearing over the eve into the night. It was the middle of the night, I'm on the roof holding a high powered rifle with a telescopic sight, and I'm in my underwear. It was at this point that I realized I could easily be shot as a rifle carrying lunatic, and it would be hard to argue against that being the case. Fortunately I only had neighbors on one side, and they were sound sleepers. :redface: Tom
OK, a reasoned response, I can live with that. Just wondering if owning a gun automatically stuck one in the category.