I was told my car is on the boat and will arrive sometime this week. Is there a way to see when the boat docks? I was able to with my MINI, but can't remember how....
Dealer may have access to that info. Here in Canada, salesguy was able to tell me more or less where the car was as it traveled from port of Vancouver, to Toronto warehouse, and then here to Ottawa.
I'm in the same situation, just got my Vehicle Inquiry Report but would like to know how to track it to the dealership.
I've wondered this myself. Come on, we can track a box of paperbacks from Amazon all over the country, there ought to be a way to keep an eye on the prograss of your new car!
From what I can tell, its really not that simple with cars from Japan, they enter the port, get swapped around, dealer gets a list, we are sending you these cars, if dealer has any clout, they get one like you want on that shipment, its not like the car was built for you.
Okay, do you want your car delivered by UPS? The way they handle boxes, you'd find it in dented, ripped and punctured state, then they'd drop kick it to your doorstep and run. ZC1
That makes sense. But what if you have a VIN number? I assume that all the cars are recorded by VIN number when loaded on the boats...
Yes, and someone somewhere has a computer that could tell you, more or less where the car is. These are $20-30k cars !! Whoever is on the hook if it goes missing will almost certainly know, more or less, where their valuable assets are. I'm not saying YOUR salesman or Toyota regional whatever will be able to tell you. But MY salesman, here in Ottawa, Canada, gave me the VIN as soon as I left deposit and showed me his computer screen indicating it was in port of Vancouver. I think it was a Toyota Canada ordering/tracking system, but you'd think they'd have same in US. As my car arrived in Toronto, and left Toronto and arrived Ottawa, I got emails each time from my salesdude. Yes, maybe with the frantic matching and trading of allocations, it's more difficult in US.
isn't wanting to know where the car is globally just a wee bit anal? ;-) i was simply happy i could go into a dealership, tell them exactly what i wanted, and wait 6 weeks for delivery. as soon as it arrived the told me the vin and the rest is history.
When I ordered my car, I was given a VIN, it was in the Port of Houston, holding area for Gulf States Toyota, waited a week, car didn't come in, found out another dealer was given the vehicle, my dealer went looking again, in a few days dealer was given another VIN, still in the port. The second VIN arrived in a week, its sticker was for a dealer in Little Rock, Arkansas, it was originally destined for that dealer, but Gulf States transfered to my dealer. So my conclusion is that its just a matter of what they can get at the time, and the clout a dealer has, VIN is only a temporary thing, if that vehicle actually makes it to dealer, then you are lucky.
Prii are not simply "boring UPS packages". They are marvels of engineering, and the anticipations of gestation and :baby:birth are to be charted and ultrasounded and PDI and delivery is to be greeted with cameras and relatives and congratulatory cigars.
Absolutely, but that's me in a situation like this. I'm just excited! I had fun tracking my MINI from the time they started building it till it arrived at the dealer. I waited 7 months for that car. I really just want to know the vessel name so I can see for myself if it has unloaded yet...
Seems to be some confusion regarding ordering a Prius (we don't) as opposed to waiting for the closest match for your preferences to show up in the dealer allocations.
I understand that we don't "order", however I was given a VIN number for a car that wasn't spoken for, and it's due in port any day, that's why I'm asking...
Not anal at all. I don't really need to know it's exact location at any moment, but it would ne nice to be able to have a heads up when it may be a couple of days away so you can plan to take a half day off or whatever you need to go pick it up.
Our case, for enlightenment only: We got a credit union car buyer involved, he found a dealer who would sell. We chatted with the internet sales manager. He said we were on The List at about No. 7. We gave $500 worth of credit card. Eventually, we were given the VIN of a car en route from Japan to Jacksonville. Transporting from the port to the dealer was to take 3-7 days, depending on the trucker loading his rig full before taking off. But with the VIN, we were able to complete a loan with our credit union, had a check for that amount sent to us, did all the dealer paperwork via postal delivery and faxes. On Monday, we were told the car was on the lot and I am to pick it up Wednesday (11th) after I drive 460 miles with our trade. Dealer was pretty capable, I think. I tried not to show impatience, but did stay in friendly touch with salesman. I'm to get a full demostration of the car, which the manager said "would turn me into a pro". I refrained from telling him nine weeks on PC pretty made did that for me. We'll see how it goes, but I'm optimistic.
Long drive for the Prius, which city did the vehicle end up at? (Other than Jacksonville, which is only 360 miles and where I purchased mine.)
We live in Navarre, east of Pensacola. Taking possession was pretty easy. Salesman gave me a spin around the block, showed me some basics (he knew I have been on PriusChat; so is he), gave me some helpful information. Could have spent more time with me, but I didn't insist. He did say their dealership has a 14-week wait and is charging $3,000 over MSRP. I did commit a faux pas later. I went to Wal-Mart to find a Zippo carrying case for the fob, came out and couldn't find my car. I looked all over, finally called police to report it possibly stolen. While I was waiting for officer, I happened to look around a corner of the building -- Ta-DA!! It was where I had parked it. And I didn't get the Zippo pouch, either -- Wal-Mart has discontinued it. I told an assistant manager they should consider restocking, since Prius owners could be interested. She liked the idea, so the pouches may start reappearing. Oh, got 43 mpg on initial tank, not bad considering I wasn't really trying to save gas -- just trying to get back home.
Hey, sorthund, I too was interested in the Toyota track'g system, copied down the computer address that appeared at the bottom of the track'g report I was shown, & tried to access it (I don't have that address any longer), but learned it wasn't accessable without the dealer's or salesman's password (it's on Toyota's internal computer system---NOT the internet). So just keep in touch with your salesman & hopefully he'll keep you up to date on your car's location. Unfortunately, their track'g system isn't available to the public because that's the system the dealers use to work their swaps. Can you imagine the chaos that would be created if some of the Prius purcasers/waiters got into that system & started changing the destinations of some of the Priuses in the dealer allotments---you'd be wait'g a lot longer for yours? It's bad enough when a dealer does it (as happened to EJFB1029), but also think of the consequences of your loan & insurance documentation based on a particular VIN # you're given (as in Fraser's case) if suddenly that VIN #'rd car doesn't show up & is given to somebody else (again, going back to EJFB1029's dis-appointment). I think it's better we're kept out of that loop for now. Maybe things will get better (the allotment system would go away & we could ACTUALLY ORDER a Prius) if & when Toyota ever starts build'g them right here in the USA (like the Camry Hybrid). That would be good news. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)